amazed at all these college posts
written by asperger people attending. You all must be independent to be at college. My child lacks awareness of her surroundings, motor planning and executive functioning issues etc. Also of course she takes things literally which I believe makes her a target. I couldn't even imagine her navigating her way to classes without getting lost. How do you accomplish all this. Her intelligence is fine, but all these other things get in the way.
Any thoughts and suggestions.
I don't know about independent, I'm personally torn on the 'excitement on finally being able to focus on what I want to do' vs 'oh my god I'm moving I have to change and socialise'.
I'm not the best at navigating either(still get lost at my own school sometimes), but have definitely improved;many of the difficulties you mentioned have gotten less serious with 'time' for me.
How old is your child? I wasn't the most 'normal' one either, but I've 'improved' over the years, to the point where at least I don't have meltdowns every time the fire alarm rings or I have to step into a hallway for the next class(I attend a very densely populated high school, and things tend to get... Physical). What I mean is, though worrying is normal, don't give up hope!
Any thoughts and suggestions.
I think your post would better be suited for the parents section.
How old is your daughter?
Remember that AS is a spectrum disorder, there are some who it have only minor issues, some who have major. Many I'm sure had therapies and such to help them overcome and manage the issues that hold them back.
Is your daughter receiving therapy and help to develop these skills?