So, my aspie friend/ partner, whatever you want to call us, has confused and hurt my feelings. She's currently in a shutdown mode, where she isn't contacting me. We both have feelings for each other, (the last I checked, she had feelings for me, anyway.) I texted her once during her shutdown, just to make sure she was ok, and she responded that she was ok, and she would talk to me when her shutdown was over, but she wasn't sure if it would be just as friends or more than that, because the feelings had gotten too intense for her to handle and it was making her stress out. She said it wasn't my fault, but I still feel bad. Anyway, a few days ago I came down with a bad case of shingles, due to stress and went to the doctor, where they gave me medicine to take at dinner time. I took the meds, and soon after started feeling really ill. Had trouble breathing,my heart felt like it was going to explode. I went to the hospital, where it turned out I had an allergic reaction to the medication. I texted my aspie on the way to let her know what was going on, and because I was scared. I was released from the hospital this morning and checked my phone for messages. Nothing. She hadn't texted me once. I sent her a text letting her know Ibwas oit and ok, and still nothing. I'm upset and confused/hurt. I feel like she doesn't care about me, if she couldn't even text to see how I was doing while in the hospital. I understand she's shutdown, so I don't expect her to make small talk, but it was kibd of an emergency. I've read that aspies sometimes don't kbow how to show that they care, but she was always very sweet before the shutdown. I want to express my feelings of hurt and confusion to her, but I don't want to upset her or stress her out, for fear that she won't talk to me ever agaib after she comes out of her shutdown. What should I do? Does she really not care for me at all?