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01 Oct 2012, 3:14 pm

It seems like many here have far, far worse sensory integration problems than I do. I'm professionally diagnosed, but sometimes feel like I barely qualify for the "Asperger's" label.

Also, it seems with me that my own sensory issues have lessened with time. Some examples:

- In childhood, many kinds of socks, because of their seams right at the toes, would bother me. I could handle those with seams further up better, and seamless would have been ideal. Nowadays I could live with any seam anywhere, although above the toes or none is still preferable.

- For a while I was extremely sensitive to shoes being even slightly different in tightness, to the point where I would be spending half my time tying and retying them to get them perfect. For a while I would leave my shoes untied because then both would naturally make themselves equally loose. Nowadays I'm fine with what can be reasonably done to make them even.

On WrongPlanet, however, I read about those with far, far worse sensory issues than any I deal with now. I've always been able to wear any shirt and pants, for instance, but some find the majority of clothing to be unbearably irritating!

What are your worst sensory problems, in terms of how much more they bother you than most people?

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01 Oct 2012, 3:24 pm

Mine aren't too bad. I can't distinguish sounds from one another all that well. (can't understand people in a restaurant without a lot of effort) can't stand florescent or bright light but most of all I can't stand light touch.


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01 Oct 2012, 3:39 pm

I don't have much in the way of taste/touch/hearing sensitivities, but I have a huge problem with visual overstimulation. I am sensitive to heavy colours and patterns and very uncomfortable in cluttered or busy environments. My living environment needs clear walls and surfaces, mostly light colours, no stuff left out. It drives me crazy when people leave things lying around because I am distracted by them, and I can't have art on the walls or patterned carpets because it is uncomfortable and affects my ability to think. Unfortunately I live in rented accommodation with a heavily patterned carpet in very dark colours and I hate it passionately. I am always looking for new ways to cover it up.

This actually isn't something I've seen discussed here very much as most people seem to talk about touch and food texture and noises, but this is a really big deal for me!


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01 Oct 2012, 7:31 pm

Mine are mild but are numerous, the worst is visual stimulation, strong lights, sunlight and flashing lights are the most uncomfortable, I do have higher colour saturation in my vision. Background noise is particularly uncomfortable, loud expected noise still shakes me up a bit. I for some reason hate being touched by other people, clothing also occasionally is a problem (I stay in PJ's most of the time :P). Tastes and textures while eating can be uncomfortable at times, I go for fresh food rather than preserved food, since I can distinguish the preservative and and extras put into food, I also go for softer food as textures can put me off the food.

Officially diagnosed but awaiting neurology to see how far do problems go, including balance and physical tic conditions plus others.

"When you begin to realize your own existence and break out of the social norm, then others know you have completely lost your mind." -PerfectlyDarkTails

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01 Oct 2012, 7:37 pm

Comp_Geek_573 wrote:
It seems like many here have far, far worse sensory integration problems than I do. I'm professionally diagnosed, but sometimes feel like I barely qualify for the "Asperger's" label.

Let me tell you a secret. While autism and sensory processing disorder often go hand and hand, they don't always go together. There are a lot of people with sensory processing disorder who aren't autistic. There are a rare handful of people with autism, but without sensory processing disorder--again, rare, but it's entirely possible. That, and your childhood is all that matters to qualify for a diagnosis, anyways. :roll:

Also, why compare your troubles to others? There's always going to be people who have better or worse than you. Always.

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01 Oct 2012, 8:57 pm

I don't think my sensory problems are as bad a s a lot of people on this website but I do have a couple that bother me. I can't stand certain sounds (loud sounds, jingling coins, sudden loud sounds, any bodily sound whether it's chewing, clearing your throat, burping, farting, whatever) certain sounds make me go insane and frustrated. I can't handle bright light either, I'm always squinting. I'm not a big fan of strong tastes either like coffee, strong flavored veggies, energy drinks and alcohol. Although I drink alcohol anyway.


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01 Oct 2012, 9:05 pm

lostgirl1986 wrote:
I don't think my sensory problems are as bad a s a lot of people on this website but I do have a couple that bother me. I can't stand certain sounds (loud sounds, jingling coins, sudden loud sounds, any bodily sound whether it's chewing, clearing your throat, burping, farting, whatever) certain sounds make me go insane and frustrated. I can't handle bright light either, I'm always squinting. I'm not a big fan of strong tastes either like coffee, strong flavored veggies, energy drinks and alcohol. Although I drink alcohol anyway.

You know, you just reminded me. There is one sort of sound that I can't stand. Metallic sounds. There's a certain acoustic guitar sound I can't stand, though I otherwise like acoustic guitar (music is one of my stims).

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01 Oct 2012, 9:29 pm

I've never been diagnosed as either autistic or sensory integration but no one heard of either when I was a child. Regardless, my sensory issues aren't as bad now as they were when I was younger but I still get overloaded sometimes. Here's a rundown of my sensory issues.

Touch -- As a kid I had to have all tags removed from clothing. They felt like needles poking me in the skin. My mother at one point just stopped removing the tags as she didn't understand how much it hurt. When she announced she is no longer removing the tags I just grabbed a pair of scissors and cut them out myself. This made her mad as I accidentally cut some holes in my clothes. But I had to remove them. I still remove a lot of tags now but the screen printed tags becoming more popular has helped a lot in this area. I also hate jeans and shoes. I'm very picky about shoes and my shoes come off as soon as I'm home for any length of time as my feet feel confined and most shoes don't fit right. I still change into my pajamas as soon as i'm in for the night too.

Hearing -- I have been diagnosed with auditory processing disorder. I still get jumpy with sudden loud noises. I do have earplugs I wear when driving on the freeway. I can hear anything if everything else is quiet but had trouble distinguishing noises in loud places like a restaurant, the mall, driving on the freeway, etc. I also have trouble with people's speech sounding like everyone's mumbling. Though this was worse as a child than it is now and it still gets worse if i'm tired or stressed. I still have trouble at work with the humming of the lights and electronics bothering me. To help I usually listen to my ipod or other music on my laptop while working.

Lights -- I do have trouble with bright lights, especially sunlight. It kind of blinds me and everything gets fuzzy. I have to wear my sunglasses and a wide brimmed hat if it's sunny, and sometimes if it's cloudy. I use full spectrum light bulbs in my apartment. I tried them once and never went back to incandescent bulbs. Something about the full spectrum light is much more calming and less stressful to my body.

Taste -- my taste in some areas I think is under-sensitive and over-sensitive in others. I'm oversensitive to hot/spicy or bitter things or sweet. I'm convinced I can't smell garlic, onions, or taste herbs except for the bitterness. Things like green bell peppers need to be cooked in direct heat (like in a frying pan) for the bitterness to go away. Baking them doesn't seem to help. I also tend to avoid beer and anything else bitter like rhubarb. The only exception is coffee, which I add milk to as it gets rid of the bitterness and makes it creamier. Cooked broccoli smells funny to me as does ranch salad dressing.

I could go on but I'll leave it at that. Suffice it to say a lot of people that know me simply think I whine and complain too much about nothing. They don't understand how strong some of these sensory issues are.

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02 Oct 2012, 3:36 pm

As a child it was worse. Back then me and my family didn't know I was autistic and sensory stuff would make me angry or give me meltdowns and they didn't understand it and would become very angry at me.
I remember backpacks being a HUGE issue, the straps had to be exactly the same length and the weight inside the backpack had to be distributed evenly. I would cry if it felt wrong, become angry and upset. And shoelaces, my father had to tie my shoes because only he was strong enough to tie them hard enough. I remember a lot of jokes about how everything always had to be tied super hard and OFC evenly. Another thing was forks and knifes on plates, that noise it can make? I don't know the english word, but like chalk on a blackboard? As I child i freaked out about that and called it my "allergy". These things i grew out of so to speak.
As an adult, 21 y, my sensory issues include:
Sunlight (hate it. Can't explain why)
Hunger/thirst. (Don't feel it)
Filtrating sound. Especially in loud environments with many different sources of sound (when being in a huge very crowded store for example, I hear everything like a screaming in my ear and walk around looking like a scared bunny)
These are the big three :)


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02 Oct 2012, 5:26 pm

Tactile: I like certain textures but become physically ill if I touch wet paper or wet wood of any kind, I dislike greasy/slimey textures or any adhesive substances. Unlike wet paper, I can still tolerate them, I'd just prefer not to. Being touched is physically painful, yet other things people perceive as painful, like getting shot with frozen paintballs by my friends, is not.

Auditory: Some people's voices (high-pitched) annoy me to no end. I also cannot tolerate being in a crowd without my mp3 player. Irregular ("unpredictable") sounds (dogs barking, people jumping up suddenly and screaming) are far worse than regular ("predictable") ones (machinegun fire, music, the AC unit, etc). I also hate the sound of silverware scraping on plates and the disgusting sound of noodles being stirred or chewing noises.

Taste: I am extremely sensitive to taste in some regards. While I can taste the cologne/perfume a person preparing the food wore/whether or not it was stored in plastic, I find food itself to be bland and in need of a serious peppering. Perhaps this is why I enjoy spicy foods so much.

Visual: I abhor sunlight/other sources of bright light to the extent that I must use foil to cover my windows and Post-It notes to cover indicator lights on various electronic equipment that remains constantly plugged in (surge protectors, alarm clock) in order to sleep. I rarely go outside without shades and something to cover my arms and legs (the heat on my skin is uncomfortable).

Other: I do have issues with proprioception, which results in me appearing to be drunk, stoned or just plain clumsy.

When I walk into a store, I instantly become disoriented due to being innundated with stimuli, be it the flickering bright lights reminiscent of captive suns, massive throngs of people milling about the mercantile Makkah, the infernal beeps in the checkout lanes, or the tall shelves that seem to lean in, slowly closing in on myself as a lion in preparation of devouring its prey. I have found ways to block out the unwanted sensory information, which has made the experience far more bearable.

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02 Oct 2012, 6:26 pm

auditory: sounds I don't like are: combinations of different noises.... disorganized noise........auditory chaos......not music but many people talking at once in a crowd.....especially with other noises going on at the same a fair or amusement park, concert, event ect. This leads to overload and anxiety sometimes to the point of panic attacks. Also little noises when everything's quiet like the noises of people chewing, swallowing, collecting saliva, breathing ect. *shutter*. Also high pitched screechy noises.

visual- not much-flickering lights make me nauseous.

tactile- I'm a tactile sensory seeker....I feel textures of things I like in a repetitive stimmy way and twirl a string in front of my face ...but the string has to have a particular feel (have a certain thickness- be a certain type). Also I get itchy easily from things like wearing stockings (but I'm not sure if this is an autistic sensory issue- or I just get itchy easily-my mummy does too).

olfactory- can't stand the smell of canned tuna fish and salmon, cold cuts (lunch meats), coconut oil and products with artificial coconut and certain perfumes and cleaning products but not all. Also certain combinations of smells are overwhelming....especially when mixed with combination of discordant different sounds- sensory overload/chaos.

gustatory- can't stand the taste of tuna fish or lunch meat or shredded cocoa-nut or cilantro-can't stand the textures of dried fruit or peanut butter (I know these are weird ones for aspies- I can't explain why I have them).


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02 Oct 2012, 6:51 pm

Some things are better now, but I still have issues. Bright lights (except lightining, which I have NO explanation for, though it does dazzle me) especially glare or bright sun. Shrill noises, now those are still killers. Infants/toddlers shrieking, that is the WORST feeling in the world. Also, it makes me feel helpless.
More often, I just can overloaded by tOO many stimuli..
In childhood I had textural issues with a lot of foods. Anything like peanut butter that stuck to the roof of my mouth, would cause stress/panic attacks. Mostly, these have stopped. I still gag on mayo though. Yuck..



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02 Oct 2012, 7:23 pm

I've decided to elaborate on my sensory issues.

Touch/pressure: I could cuddle, hug, and be held by my one best friend all day. She thinks I'm "starved for touch", which may be true, but this would probably be true (albeit, to a lesser extent) even if I had other to cuddle, hug, and hold/be held by. I enjoy being held and cuddled tightly the most.

I also like feeling different textures (different kinds of clothes on a clothes rack, for example)

I know I'm not supposed to say this in front of a mixed audience, but I enjoy the tightness I feel when I wear a bra.

Sound: My relationship with sound is weird. On one hand, I need sound. I have my pandora station on all day because of this. On the other hand, if a sound is metallic, sudden, flucuating in level, or coming from a crowd of people, it stresses me out.

Vestibular: I used to spin around a lot as a kid. I remember getting a spinning toy from my parents after trying one out with my OT. I don't seek this out nearly as much, but I still do from time to time during times of stress.

Those are my main sensory issues.

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02 Oct 2012, 7:38 pm

I also am a vestibular sensory seeker I think.....I spun a bit as a child.......but I walked around in circles (while talking to myself) all the time. Is that also a vestibular stim? Also I like to swing on park swings.

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02 Oct 2012, 7:56 pm

I have been wanting to compile a list of my sensory issues and haven't ever gotten around to it. I'm not diagnosed with an ASD or any sensory issues. Here's what I have listed so far:

Auditory: I have extremely sensitive hearing. I am easily startled by unexpected and some expected sudden sounds. In addition, I hear EVERYTHING and have an extremely hard time following conversations if it is noisy. I like clear, organized sounds and chaotic noise is extremely This is especially hard in restaurants. I find high frequency noise to be quite disturbing. This includes the whine from tube type TVs and monitors. I wear noise cancelling headphones at work, listen to music in public, and always seem to have music on at home to drown out the background. As a child, I was afraid of balloons and fireworks for just this reason...

Visual: I like to have control over the light level and spectrum of lighting. I had maintenance remove the bulbs from the fluorescent lights over my desk so it is darker but I would still like it darker. Glare really bothers me as does the flickering of many fluorescent lights and other sources that aren't really steady on. You wont see me without sunglasses outside! At home, I keep the blinds closed for the most part and keep the lighting low. I have my bedroom almost completely dark. I also dislike CRT monitors that refresh at 60hz because I can see them flicker. Flickering light makes me feel ill.

Tactile: My mother likes to tell stories about me freaking out in a toddler class then they tried to get me to use finger paint. Touching certain materials really bothers me: wooden pencils, teeth on Popsicle sticks, handling or writing on many kinds of paper, snaggy or rough fabrics, and other things... I don't like things on my skin that shouldn't be there. I will immediately wipe off food, grease, glue, oil, etc if it gets on my hands, face, or anywhere else. I don't like walking barefoot on anything wet or dirty and have to clean my feet off if I do. I have never tolerated tags in clothes and cut them out before I ever wear them. I also don't like embroidery on shirts. It just feels strange. I don't like socks with seams anywhere but on top of the toe and will pick out lint balls that are around the toe of the sock. In addition, it was nearly impossible for me to find shoes as a child. They all seemed to rub too much. This is easier now that I found one brand that I like and even then only some of their styles are acceptable. I also don't like people to touch me, especially if i am not expecting it.

Olfactory: Any citrus based cleaner (Goo Gone, Simple Green, etc.) makes me feel sick after a short exposure. I don't like the smell of most air fresheners, many but not all household cleaners (especially Pine Sol), and many strong solvents and lubricants. My aversion varies based on the item; some I can tolerate outside and others I will not use. I also can't stand the smell of seafood (cooked or raw) even though I like the taste, dirty dishes, cigarette smoke, barbecue smoke once I am done eating, strong food smells, overly sweet or flowery things, etc. I dislike the smell of anything that is being used to mask another smell and smell what it is hiding as well.

Taste/Texture: I don;t like many raw veggies because they are "squeaky" to eat. Certain textures tent to repulse or gag me including thick airy things, overly wet or soggy items, and especially things that aren't the "normal" texture. Things that stick to the inside of my mouth or gums bother me as well although I will tolerate some of these things. I'm not a fan of exotic foods and am happy eating pasta, grilled cheese, and other sandwiches for the most part!

These things can easily overwhelm me at times. In addition, I don't always seem to do a good job planning motions which has led to the label "klutz"...

I love some stimulus including rocking, swinging, spinning in my desk chair, and deep pressure to name a few.


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03 Oct 2012, 1:17 am

A list of mine:

-I can hear when a tv is on(but not the cable box so picture is present) as a piercing high pitched whine and it drives me bonkers.

-I am sensitive to bright light.

-I don't like the sound of motorcycles.

-I can't watch shows or movies where water gets on a camera lens as it makes my eyes water and hurt badly.

-difficulty distinguishing sounds.

- I love dogs but repeated licking noises get to me.

-I get uncomfortable with my own scent, especially if I have been sweating a little. It's one of the reasons I bathe so often.

-I can't wear jeans because of the way they rub against certain areas.
