newbie coming to terms with being an aspie

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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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03 Oct 2012, 9:38 pm

I have recently realized that I am most likely an "aspie". I was diagnosed with add and was in and out of the shrink's office many times as a child were they spent their time throwing pills at me. I am now 24 and I have always known I was different but never understood why until recently my father mentioned asperger's and when I looked into and read all the symptoms my jaw hit the floor. At first I was mad, but then I felt a sense of relief. Now I know what the cause is and can approach my life in a different and more positive way. I am going to go to a specialist to get an official diagnosis just to verify. I am still angry at the money grubbing hacks that I have gone to before for improper diagnosing me and just throwing whatever bottle of pills at me that they could so they could take my money and run. My life might be very different if I had known all along what was really going on. I feel like I wasted my highschool years now and could be in a much different situation right now. I had a rough childhood growing up in a broken home with an alcoholic mentally unstable mother with a revolving door of scumbag boyfriends and a father that tried to be in my life as much as possible but was more concerned with work. Not a very nurturing environment for a young frustrated aspie that felt like the whole world was against him and had no one to turn to. I eventually did find 2 best friends named drugs and alcohol. I spent my highschool years stoned out of my mined from dawn to dusk. I was just an average student that just did enough to get by and pass. From there I spent a few more misguided year before getting into trouble with the law and having to come crashing back to earth. Since then I have gotten my life back on track but something has still been amiss without drugs I have started feeling strange and alienated again. The feeling has mounted and been building which has caused me to work 80 hours a week then hide my self away and attempt to drink myself to death. Now hopefully that I am finally starting to understand for once in my life what is going on in my head I can take steps to correct myself and really take control of myself and my life.


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03 Oct 2012, 10:52 pm

It sounds as if you have really had a tough time. You do seem to have begun to get yourself straightened out though. Drugs and alcohol are definitely not the solution, nor is working 80 hours a week a good solution either, that is unless you really do enjoy your work. To work as a means of escape is not an unusual thing though. It seems as if you might consider trying to get some counseling, or other sort of professional help from a specialist who understands what it really means to be aspie. Good luck!

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05 Oct 2012, 7:55 pm

Welkome to WP


The Family Enigma


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09 Oct 2012, 3:14 pm

Welcome to Wrong Planet!

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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09 Oct 2012, 10:06 pm

Welcome to WP,
Getting on this or similiar forums is a good idea too. You can learn quite a bit from other Aspies, and catch up fairly quickly.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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10 Oct 2012, 6:51 pm

this sure is amazing.. never had all this support when i was a kid.. their remedy back then was punishment.. ..But we is a strong bunch and i survived and brought another 2 smart assed autistic kids into the world..
My cousin was not so lucky.. her first born is too far on the spec..we dont talk .. I hope she and her son are well..

I sure would like to get to know others like me..maybe it will be a " when i see you i see me " moment :P


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11 Oct 2012, 2:28 am

Welcome to WP!

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