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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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05 Oct 2012, 11:57 pm

Hi all,

I'm Stephen - a 21 year old guy from the UK. I don't have aspergers, though there's a chance I place wherever "very mild" is on the autism spectrum. Anyway, this forum is called "Wrong Planet" and I absolutely feel that way - so here I am.

When I was younger (up to age 11) I had problems fitting in with peers, concentrating in class and I used to really like playing tricks on people (like hiding their stuff and swapping names on homework folders). This led one of my teachers to recommend I see a specialist and they put me on Ritalin diagnosing me with ADHD (This was at the peak of the ADHD craze where it was basically the buzzword for "non-conforming child" and was getting misdiagnosed left right and centre). My mother was never happy with this but I was on it for a year, though it had absolutely no effect but make me more hyper. She took me to see another specialist who cross examined me with another specialist and they both said It was a load of rubbish and the reason I was being such a little s**t was I being unstimulated in the school due to being ahead of the developmental stage for my peers and I was displaying above average intelligence and high level of curiosity. And I suppose that's how I've always felt, Growing up a lot of my friends were older and I felt more accepted by them.

Fast forward a decade and a lot has happened in between then and now. I've been happy, extremely happy and devastatingly depressed. Ive been popular, unpopular and total outcast. But all that time, I've never quite felt "normal". I have an extreme personality, very extreme - Sometimes in a good way, sometimes in a bad way - but I internalize all these feelings which makes me seem to onlookers like a emotionless husk. I'm certain I have bi-polar disorder due to the way I am either elated or in the throes of darkness. Never a middle ground really, and It can change at a moments notice - seemingly for no reason (but there is, just not an obvious one - often in my head).

Don't have any trouble socialising, I just rarely like doing it. I have no friends outside of the voluntary work that I do, and I have no colleagues either as I work alone.

I'm working on being positive again. I used to be such an idealist and that was in my "extremely happy" stage. (15-17). I'm currently in and out of depression though it's a lot milder than it was last year, I think I'm coming out of it but a few bad habits such as cynicism and a misanthropy are not helping me. Alcohol has not helped me either and I've gone cold turkey on that too. Currently in work actually (time of writing), I'm the night warden for a sheltered accommodation for old people. I just have to wait around and entertain myself incase/until something bad happens. Job is job. I hope to join the Navy or one of the big cruise liners as a Navigation Officer soon.

Anyway, aside from writing my life story on the internet I like Traveling, Camping, Hiking, Reading, Writing, Marksmanship, Video Games, Music and TV. I also like to talk about Philosophy and Theoretical Physics but I shall spare thee for now.

Pleased to meet you!

Sea Gull
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06 Oct 2012, 3:55 am

Welcome to Wrong Planet! :)


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06 Oct 2012, 12:42 pm

Welcome to WP,
The military is OK, but you'd never get me on a ship for months at a time. I don't care how good their food is! :lol: But to each their own.


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06 Oct 2012, 2:03 pm

Welcome to Wrong Planet!

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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06 Oct 2012, 3:59 pm

Welcome to Wrong Planet! I think you'll fit in very well here.


Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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06 Oct 2012, 4:25 pm

Welcome to WP.

Hey I'm currently in the navy and have worked near navigors on the bridge, I also internalize my feelings a lot. I've been asked if I've wanted to make the navy a carrer and if I did that I'd have to basically be more outgoing since the leaders have to face lots of people and be role models. I didn't know the guy that told me this well he was just in the same department I was working in at the time. I agreed,but I don't doubt my abilities. One thing about my job is that I always have fear of failing at something or screwing something up in my job. I always dreaded talking in front of many people also.


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06 Oct 2012, 7:53 pm

It's okay that you don't have autism, at least not severely enough to get a diagnosis for any reason other than self-validation or research. Welcome!

Living with one neurodevelopmental disability which has earned me a few diagnosis'


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07 Oct 2012, 1:25 pm

Welcome to the site. NT or not, I think you will likely find a lot in common here gievn you prefer to research particle physics and muse on philosophy rather than reality TV and celebrity culture - physics is one of my interests and, in particular, M-theory as it's something that can be conceptulised without the need for a physics Ph.D and has the possibility of explaining a lot of phenomonen like the weakness of gravity, what prompted the Big Bang, dark energy etc.


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07 Oct 2012, 4:17 pm

Paracosm wrote:
Hi all,

Hi Paracosm! Welcome to WP. :)

Paracosm wrote:
I'm Stephen - a 21 year old guy from the UK.

Whereabouts in the UK are you? There are quite a lot of people on WP who are from our country.

Paracosm wrote:
When I was younger (up to age 11) I had problems fitting in with peers, concentrating in class and I used to really like playing tricks on people (like hiding their stuff and swapping names on homework folders).

I had little bastards do that to me at school as well. I was so bad at remembering where things were, I presumed that I'd lost them a considerable part of the time.

Paracosm wrote:
This led one of my teachers to recommend I see a specialist and they put me on Ritalin diagnosing me with ADHD (This was at the peak of the ADHD craze where it was basically the buzzword for "non-conforming child" and was getting misdiagnosed left right and centre).

I've been on that stuff as well - Ritalin can be nasty stuff if not used properly.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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07 Oct 2012, 5:37 pm

Thanks all.

Tequila wrote:
Whereabouts in the UK are you? There are quite a lot of people on WP who are from our country.



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08 Oct 2012, 4:33 pm

Welkome to WP


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09 Oct 2012, 3:42 pm

Hi Stephen, I'm Andy. I share pretty much all of your interests, although my camping is limited to festivals, my video games are limited to RTS games and my philosophy and theoretical physics is entirely layman. I recognise a lot of what you're saying. In fact I've been considering volunteering as an befriender to autistic people, but I've put it off due to life changes that may or may not be handy excuses. Do you mind me asking what volunteer work you do?

Pileated woodpecker
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09 Oct 2012, 5:35 pm

Hello, Stephen! It sounds like you've had an interesting life.
Ugh, doctors who look for problems instead ofsolutions annoy me so much.
My father was a Marine, my grandfather on my fathers side was in the Air Force and my other grandfather a decorated officer in the Navy. With this sort of background, I'm the type of person who supports a persons goal to join the military. Just be sure its what you want.
Marksmanship is very fun. I enjoy going to the range, but I rarely have the oppurtunity.
What do you write about?