doordoctor wrote:
LifeOfALez wrote:
conundrum: thanks i might take you up on that some time and same goes to you.
doordoctor: oh thats cool! what part of NJ? i usual do a trip to jersey once a year. im the same way i do twitter through text and the app so im always on it. i will follow you on there and give you a tweet so you know its me.
I am in central NJ, Mercer Co near Capitol (Trenton) what area do you go to?
i usually go to Galloway to visit a good friend but since she moved a bit a way from there i havent decided if i am going to keep going to that area and then travel during the day to her new house or what.
love me or hate me, im still gonna shine so unless uve lived my life, dont judge me cause u dont know, never have & never will know every little thing about me..