Seeing someone's aura?
I really liked this girl, and I also may be considered a spiritual person, well back in mid-December, I was told that I would "see a sign between February 10th-12th"
Well, you would not believe what happened, after not seeing this particular person for a month, she magically appeared to me on that Friday, February 10th as I was leaving work, she managed to somehow fit herself into the 7 second window of me shutting down my computer and bolting for the steps!
When I looked down the hallway, before hitting those steps, I saw a bright golden yellow aura completely shrouding her upper body, both her heart and mind area, it appeared to me as an aura because the dimensions of it seemed to perfectly surround her physical upper body!
Does anyone know what this might mean? I am really perplexed by this whole incident! And it's breaking my heart because I haven't seen her sense and she deleted me off facebook, and her mom used to be my boss and it was very awkward!! !
I thought she was a nice girl, but then I decided to send her a random text message while at work through her number that she had apparetly given facebook cause it was on my phone, then a minute later after telling her it was me, her mom emailed me saying "texting at work?" which was extremely freaky, and then something like "you might want to get rid of that number."
So that night after work, I sent her a long-winded text explaining that I usually have my headphones in at work cause I'm sensitive to people's energies and it keeps me focused blah blah blah and I wound up saying something at the end that I saw her aura and wasn't even quite sure it was her, and I told her it was golden yellow. I never did get a response back, but at that point in time, I suppose she deleted/blocked me on facebook, which again back in March was very new to me.
The thing about it is, I've never been a mean person in the work place, always been nice. And I just don't think it's right for people to just delete you with no explanation. This girl would not stop staring at me in my eyes and smiling, she gave me all the signals that she liked me when she used to work their. Then she left, and the only time she was there was Feb 10th cause apparently she was playing bingo with her Mom, and I see this golden yellow aura of hers that I'm probably going to the grave with cause I really don't even know if she read my text message.
I was basically trying to talk to her on facebook, and be her friend. That's all, and I wanted to tell her about what I saw in person to see her reaction but more importantly, I've never seen anything like that in my life, and I wanted to know what she was thinking.
Now all I'm left with is a hurt heart, and wondering if I should've said yes the time her and her mom and me were talking and they said something about seeing a scary movie, even though I think watching scary movies is a waste of time, I guess I should've said yes? That's the only thing I can think of as to why they would hate me. That always seems to happen to me due to the overwhelming nature of decision-making conversations, I usually look back and go, f*kk that's what they meant.
Now I'm just really upset and it's been months, and I just thought by now I would've been able to see her in person to confront her on this mess, even though I feel like flipping her the bird, I really still do need a reason to hate her, cause it's like she never gave me one. I think back in March she may have had a boyfriend though, so that could be apart of the reason, but I'm still just really upset, cause when you see someones aura and it looks like the sun lifting the morning haze, it leaves an impression in your mind, you'll never forget ;(
In my opinion anyone that ignores you and deletes you off of facebook isn't anyone worth having in your life. Even if they have an aura.
You may have freaked her out with the aura thing it looks like. Also it seems she never replied to any of your texts, this shows she doesn't really want to talk to you in my opinion.
You have to move on and put her out of your mind. Someone like that isn't worth investing time in.
Since everyone else has this on their signatures.. might as well conform:
Your Aspie score: 121 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 107 of 200 You seem to have both Aspie and neurotypical traits
You may have freaked her out with the aura thing it looks like. Also it seems she never replied to any of your texts, this shows she doesn't really want to talk to you in my opinion.
You have to move on and put her out of your mind. Someone like that isn't worth investing time in.
Understandably, however, she may have deleted me off facebook cause I freaked her out with a random text message that morning. So I think I was already deleted when I had sent her the next message that evening.
I like to think of other possibilities, one being she may have had a boyfriend, in fact I think she did, possibly living with him (she's only 18) and maybe he made her delete me? You know how controlling people can be? It's all very strange, I know she at least liked me very strongly when she used to work with me, but I guess I took it too casually or didn't really see it until she was gone. That's why I'm so perplexed, her mom still sees me and seems to treat me nice, but that could just be an act, I don't really know cause it's hard for me to tell whether her mom likes me or not.
I'm so confused, and I really don't like talking about other people with other people if you know what I mean, in other words I'd rather talk to the person and not their mom or sister or friend. I was hoping to get advice on how to contact her, I think trying to friend her again on facebook would be insanity, so there's got to be a different route, I just really want to be able to see the full picture, this whole situation is very nerve-racking, so much so that I'm going to be seeking a new job in a new environment, I can't stand how they are all looking at me.
While I agree that it might have freaked her out ALOT... I'm with you. Tell you the truth, I have learned on these board about synesthesia, and many things have made alot more sense to me since then. To me, this isn't that out of the ordinary. While I do not see very bright auras around people, I associate people with colours, numbers and objects. One of my female friends is to me a yellow-orange flower and the number 5. I couldn't explain you why that is if my life dependened on it, but the first moment I saw her, she was a yellow-orange flower and the number five to me. It makes total sense to me. Other folks are purple, or brown, or blue, and some people have the same colour for me, without the folks being very similar. I think it is my brain making associations with things I know to substitute for things I cannot remember, like faces. A face means - more or less - nothing to me. If I remember someone, I remember him by different things... amongst which is my colour-object-number code. The object or number also seems completely random, as I do not associate people with objects that would make sense (e.g. one of my buddies plays the piano. His colour is beige, and my associated object with him is a jacket. He does not own a beige jacket, and in fact, I can't even remember what kinds of jacket he is wearing. But he is definitely beige and a jacket.)
Alas, you cannot open this world to other people, because it is beyond their comprehension... how could they, it is a neurlogical malfunction. Not saying it is the case with you, but I'd take synesthesia into consideration.
Consider that 99.9% (?) of people can't "see" auras, the idea of seeing things no one else can't seems laughable, creepy, weird, etc. Even MY first thought was, "Auras... psshh! The guy is high on something."
If you told her anything about auras, the odds are very high you freaked her right out.