again_with_this wrote:
I've never understood the appeal of Anime. Personally, while I'm sure it's technically good animation, aesthetically I find it strange looking. I don't really care for that style. I'm not big on cartoons, but to me the American style looks "right," and Anime just looks strange and unenjoyable.
I agree so much with this (except I'm quite fond of American animated movies, a lot of them are nice). And don't get me started on those annoying voices.
I like some manga and manhwa (Korean comics) because those particular stories appeal to me (same as I like books and movies that appeal to me), but I'm not into manga for the sake of them being manga. Most of them are completely uninteresting to me (and thank heavens for that, the majority of them are so long!).
I know some people online who will love anything as long as it's Japanese, and I just don't get it. Who cares where it's from?? Japanese comics, cartoons, movies, music, food, trains, models... as long as it's Japanese it's great. I will never ever understand wapanese people. I don't understand the appeal so many see in manga and anime.
Here's another thing that annoy me: why on earth do they insist on calling it anime and manga? English isn't my first language, so maybe this is more of an annoyance to me than to English speaking people but anyway: it annoys me a bit when people say anime and manga (using those words) because we don't call American comics "comics" or American cartoons 'cartoons' in my country, nor do we do it for comics or cartoons from any other country, so why use the Japanese words for comics and cartoons? It doesn't make sense.
It's also a little annoying when there are so many otaku on a site that their avatars and signatures make the place look like an anime site. That's happened elsewhere. Blah.
It also annoys me a bit that they use all those words that I have to look up on urban dictionary to have any idea what they're on about. (shonen, hentai, otaku, and lots I can't even remember because I don't remember)