I been having some stages.
I started school at 3 years, and got advanced to second grade because i knew too much, and when i got to third year school got me out because i was too young, my mother tried to make the school allowed me to got advance more years, she thought i was prepared to be between 5-6 grade.
In that stage i was genious lvl at all.
I started secondary(6 grade) and my grades got so low that people thought i was ret*d, i barely could got out of school, and enter into a engineering in a good university.
In this stage i was under normal lvl at all.
I started engineering and without studying because of my adhd, i got top grades, sometimes i fail because are practice based subjects im not interested, so i just fail or near to fail, but when the subjects are intelligent based i got good grades all the time.
In this stage im genious lvl again.
So i was doing very bad at secondary in all, because of my social anxiety, and because i didnt understand the use of those formulas, when i got into college i saw all the things math could do, and i started to be good in that again, and other subjects, also there is the good thing, that you dont have to go to classes, and you can do group work by yourself, it could be hard, but you dont have to be with other people, so maybe you should try a little hard in math, you could be very good.