Not going to lie: I have no knowledge of music, hated Music at school because my teacher was a snob, would not know my bass clef notes to my treble clef notes, and so on.
But I always liked the thought of learning the guitar, I tried to when I was younger but I think I did not have it in me then. These days though, I have so much spare time on my hands becasue my college course is three times a week, so for the rest of it I just sit at home and watch TV. I can just feel myself getting dumb and lazy.

I know I won't be a professional singer or something or ever perform in front of people, but I would like to do something more productive in my time then just sitting at home. I do exercise but would be really tiring doing it all day.
Just please be honest with me, should I try or not bother? Is it hard? I am 19 now, btw.
Yeah go ahead BUT either get thin strings or put a little super glue on your finger tips and let it dry.