I get confused about the difference between empathy and sympathy. Empathy is the "understanding and entering into another's feelings." I feel sorry for, or feel sympathy for, other people when they are hurt, but i don't enter into their feelings, i don't see how anyone can take on the feelings of someone else bc i am not that person so i can't feel what they are feeling. They are in the situation, i am not. I can feel empathy if i think about it i guess. I read "To Kill a Mockingbird" in hs, and at some point in the book the dad tells his girl that empathy is stepping into the other person's shoes and wearing them around for awhile, so if i think about it that way, i can understand and feel empathy. I dk if it always comes naturally though, and i often get the emotion wrong if i go on my gut instinct about what they are feeling, unless it is a situation i myself have been in before so i assume that they are feeling what i felt at the time.
"Second to the right, and straight on till morning."
- the way to Neverland