Im lost they all lost me.
Sometime's it drives me up a wall because i don't understand my own emotions but some emotion's i do understand. Why i don't know. And sometimes i don't understand people and what there saying to me and i got to ask over and over explain explain. It suck's and i wish i could understand them easier. And i hate my stimming the moment's of contently rubbing my finger's together to the point of them becoming dry. And how when i get a confusing or frustrating emotion or even angry i got to have pressure from my headphones to calm me down. I never understood why. but most of all is the worst part i don't know if i have autism! doctor's say yes and no spescolists nerologicolists
everyone! the last answer i got was you have "Avoidance personalty disorder" witch for a long time after i believed it was only that but then i realized no it can't be because autism match's me but who know's what i have i don't.... and i can't keep going back and wasting money when doctor's give me crap. its been 18 years and i still got nothing. what's your veiw on what i have?! that's the question what do you believe i have? (if there's any slash's in this ignore it ill fix it.) But do your beast form your own experiences and tell me.
You might have autism. I do the stimming with my fingers as well. Though not the point that my fingers hurt. As far as understanding what people are saying and emotions, that sounds like a delay of some sort. While for the most part, I don't have a processing delay, some of my group members do. I see it all the time. Anyway, I can't say for certain if you are not on the spectrum going off of what you have written.
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