AspieOtaku wrote:
So I have been constantly been harassed ny my stepdad online now it wasn't enough for him to mentally abuse me in real life when I used to live with him he has to harass me on my favorite mmorpg and send real life threats as well as make fun of me and mention real life info out in the open.He has been banned before for this and seems to not care I put him on ignore what he does is start a new toon to bypass it and harass me.Its pissing me off.
I would suggest you take yourself offline and come back up online with new IDs in such a way that he will never find you. The way this guy sounds, total seperation seems the way to go. Don't look back. But I would seriously consider reporting the threats to police. Get him on file and if he continues maybe get court involved. I know that may be hard, but with this kind it is important for them to see you will fight back.