aspiesandra27 wrote:
Information overload. I haven't got a clue what you are trying to convey.
What is it, with all this male/female crap anyway?
ok. if you take 50 random asperger men and women. The odds are that the women are going to be in a relationship.
And the men are going to be single, even though both gender have the same set of problems.
you take 50 random severe ocd men and women. There is equal odds that both gender will either be single or divorce or
unable to stay in relationship. Both gender have the same set of problems
you take 50 random average nt men and women. About more or less equal odds both gender will be in a relationship or been in two or more.
Both gender have more or less the same problem.
You take 50 random male and female with severe weird obession and odds are both will be either single or divorce or unable to keep a relationship and both have the same set of problem.
there is a saying what the difference between asperger men and asperger women, the asperger women are married and asperger men are single.
the other condition I've said: the severe ocd, the weird obessions, nt are basically more or less equal when comes to relationship. good or bad
but when comes to aspergers, the women side has alot higher odds of getting a date than a man who has the same set of problems.