An Aspie Centrist, Political Independent, and agnostic

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Joined: 20 Oct 2012
Gender: Male
Posts: 22

07 Dec 2012, 1:00 am

Having gone around and talked to others, it seems like feeling neutral to certain things is frowned upon, and/or seen as an excuse to not think. Maybe so. Every school of thought has its critics from within and from outside. It just so happens that I am a sponge when it comes to politics and religion, and that my views put me almost in the dead center on political spectrums, compasses, and nolan charts alike (I tend to lean a bit to the left and libertarian). While I do admit that there are some things I have to declare neutrality on because I'm not well-informed, that is usually how I go about research: sponging information in and crafting my own opinion (so I guess in a way you could call that a great bias still :P).

I'm a fiscal moderate conservative and a sociocultural liberal/libertarian. I am sympathetic to many libertarian ideals (those that dictate smaller government, not necessarily unfettered capitalism). I'm anti-war, anti-PATRIOT act (mostly), and anti-citizens united. I'm pro-choice, pro-gay marriage, and pro-balanced budget. I also like the ideas of participatory, direct democracy over the current American system. I don't like the two political parties here, because I feel it is a false dichotomy (I am in Ross Perot's reform party but only really for their platform). I don't dream of radical revolution, personally (maybe it's because I don't like large crowds associated with protests #aspieandIknowit).

I am also agnostic. Some indicators have said I'm a spiritualist but I'm not sure. God(s) doesn't "tickle my fancy," but the fact that the Big Bang just "happened" isn't good enough for me! I try to keep an open mind, but I'd choose the very secular route any day.

One last thing, anybody here interested in Distributism?
