PixieXW wrote:
Help! I've started to get a sensory in one of my nipples, this never used to happen and it's been two days, worse at night to be touched or even fabric rubbing. I know that pain/sensitivity is common with hormones or sometimes stress but I heard that pain on one side only can mean more serious problems. Is that just a typical thing of the Internet only ever giving you the information to scare you, or could it really be an indication of something worse?
Really hoping to set my mind at age!
Ps there is NO possibility that its due to pregnancy!
You should see a doctor. A mammogram/ultrasound might be in order, as well as a check of your prolactin, estrogen, and progesterone. Because estrogen and progesterone levels have different normal values at different points in a woman's menstrual cycle, you will need to know what day of your cycle it is when the test is performed. Day 1 is the first day of menstruation.