This is probly going to be a long post, but i will try to shorten it.
Hey, im in a small dilema at the moment..... I love my best friend who is an aspie (highly functioning), i understand the syndrome and accept him for who he is. (It would never change how i think of him, and to be frank i prefer him this way)
We have known eachother since 2006 (he is one school year ahead of me and two years older than me) and have been best friends the whole time. We play computer games together and have skype calls with eachother (and with other friends sometimes). We share the same intrests in movies, music, game types, tv shows and a whole load of other things, i find that i can realy connect with him and trust him.
We dont see eachother in person much, but next year he will be on the girls campus (my campus) of school for his senior years.
Over the past year me and him have had more private conversations over skype and we laugh at eachother and play games, send memes and youtube videos, we have a great time staying up into all hours of the night
I wonder if he likes me the same way as i like him?
He has never had a girlfriend, and i am the only girl he talks to as a friend. Im just wondering if and how i should go about asking him out? (E.g. Over text, over skype call, in person. If in in person Where i should say it e.g. At school, in town? When i should say it e.g. Valentines day, random day when the moment is rite, his birthday? How i should say it? Or if i should wait for him?)
Sorry about that venting session, if you couldve been bothered to read it all, please try to answer my questions. And also try to think of the best way you could be asked out, it could help
thanks all <3 Zamo