I find the tone of your posts rather insulting. Why are you even on here if you have no problems functioning in society? To gloat over your high IQ?
Ticker wrote:
I didn't know we all had it against NT's on here. Maybe a few on here have posted terrible things against NT's but those people are likely trolls or people who really do not have Aspergers. In case you haven't noticed many of the people on here are self diagnosed and may indeed have various mental disorders or emotional problems and not AS. AS is just becoming a very popular thing to say one has if they have difficulty with other humans.
Yes because having a mental or emotional disorder excludes all other diagnoses. It couldn't be caused by a lifetime of undiagnosed Aspergers and feeling like a total freak could it? Co-morbid diagnoses hello? Nope. Asperger children are little professors just like Einstein, who don't have any emotional issues at all. And they're all born into little happy families who are well-off financially. Hopefully that is not the general consensus on these forums but who knows.
I dont hate NT by the way. Many of them will just find me odd and I will notice that, or they might make some snide remarks. So my social network doesnt evolve at all, and of course my coping skills also suffer because of it. It probably doesn't help to come across as very arrogant either. I don't think many people where I live know anything about disorders like this. The big topic is and has been ADHD for a long time - those kids get all the attention in the media and schools.