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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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04 Jan 2013, 11:48 am

Has there ever been an occasion where you have been blocked on facebook? I often feel that a simple unfriending would get the point that they don't want to be friend's across.

The first occasion that I remember being blocked was some kid that I knew from elementary school. I added her on facebook, messaged her, tried chatting with her and then wrote on her wall. She blocked me, and I understand now why it happened.

The second occassion was another student from elementary school. I got blocked after I approached this person at a school related event, and asked if the person got my message on there. I understand why it happened.

There were a few others that I understood. But there was one that I didn't. This person was a close friend, and we emailed often and talked on facebook. All of a sudden after chatting with her, I got blocked for no reason. She recently started dating someone, so maybe she blocked all boys.


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04 Jan 2013, 12:21 pm

I don't understand why you would get blocked for trying to initiate a conversation with them, it doesn't make sense. People change and unfortunately, you don't have control over that.

Snowy Owl
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04 Jan 2013, 12:23 pm

Theres that statistic that says girls are more likely to be raped by someone they actually know, or someone who was once a friend that they knew.

I think that makes girls highly paranoid about meeting and friending new males. Girls don't know what exactly a rapist would look or act like, so they probably assume its the male who is least like their father, brother, relatives. Someone who acts weird.

Which that whole dynamic actually urks a nerve for me. I've known girls who label guys as 'potential' rapist for things like just trying to talk to them too much or always waving in halls. Which certainly the statistic is true, just seems like the introduction of more radical anti-social and immediately judgmental behavior seems so out of line. And the whole label of 'creepy' isn't really rightfully put anywhere, but has just become a new term girls use to put down men they don't like. Whatever happened to just talking to the guy like a friend and then informing them your not interested? Thats what girls did when I was in college, I notice the use of this 'creepy' term is more common among younger women. I think there is actually some 'rape education' course they started to teach to freshmen in college that teaches those statistics and it has given birth to this whole new belief that its dangerous to even be friends with a male. Of like the 6 females I've met in the past year around the age of 20, they all had some 'creepy' stories about some guy who they suspect is a potential rapist. Which not to dismiss their concern in anyway, but the stories they told me were just things like, the guy always tries to talk to them in the cafeteria even though she keeps ignoring him. I can't help but let it sadden me to think just that is now enough for girls to start rumors about some guy as being a 'potential rapist'. Is the solution to this problem really for everyone to be more immediately socially judgmental and anti-social, and judge people based on first glance?


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04 Jan 2013, 12:40 pm

I think I am lucky for I don't remember anyone blocking me on facebook.

Snowy Owl
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04 Jan 2013, 1:12 pm

Once a girl from my school deleted me because i was being weird with her, as i usually am with girls, at the moment I didn't understand so i added her again, then she was nasty with me so i deleted her.
In the last year of school, i don't know why but she added me again.

Emu Egg
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31 Dec 2014, 1:50 pm

I have been blocked for no reasons before as well. I believe that when we tend to find 'no reason', it probably means that the person does not want to chat with you and instead of unfriending you where you stand a higher chance of finding out later that you have been unfriended, may be the person thinks the best option is to block you. :(


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02 Jan 2015, 10:51 am

I think the reason it bugs is because they appear to do it suddenly without telling you what is wrong. Then again we don't live inside their heads or see their brain activity.

I went to Jr. High and High school with two women and we did not get along in school because of rivalry, awkwardness, insecurity, and being jealous of each other.

-I added them thinking they were mature and had moved on past highschool. It went well in the beginning
The first girl decided to block me on facebook and boast about it on the timelines of others. I learned that she wrote on the wall of an old flame. "Do you have Summer as a facebook friend? I blocked her from mine."

-The second one just faded out when I noticed that I could no longer see her.

-The first time I was blocked by a former roommate who I lived with in 2002-2003. Back then I just was not ready to be on my own. I did not know how to manage my money and budget for one thing. I happened to write several bad checks on the utility bills and on the rent. Long story short I moved away and my life approved and I matured too. I tried to re-connect with one of the girls who I seemed to get along with better via Facebook. I sent her a private message and tried to add her. The next thing I know I could not see her profile anymore so she blocked me.

Then I have been blocked by people in my family for blocking other family members of mine due to not wanting to fight with them.


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02 Jan 2015, 6:21 pm

Social networking sites have a different set of social rules than normal life, or at least that's the way it appears to me. For some reason it is considered rude to unfriend people. What a lot of my NT friends do on Facebook is either set their friendship status to ignore, unfollow, or block. I list a couple different ways because Facebook is always changing things up, and I don't know what all the current ways to keep people off of your news feeds are. Unfriending people is considered so rude that I know other people that will post that they are cleaning their friends list up with a 24 hour notice that they will be unfriending people, and not to be offended, either send a pm before the unfriending begins or send a new friend request.

I finally found an avatar.


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09 Jan 2015, 2:36 am

I got blocked on instagram by two people who I don't even know and for no reason too lol.


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09 Jan 2015, 7:46 am

No, but I have been guilty of blocking some (on sight) back when I was using facebook.

I had valid reasons for that though.


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09 Jan 2015, 10:00 am

I recently blocked a minor acquaintance after seeing them at a New Year's party. I basically had way too much to drink that night. That was next to this person also living on the spectrum and having the nerve to brag about how they are high functioning than I am. Yet this one seems to get drunk all the time and act a fool every time I see them.

I don't know why but for some reason this aspie likes to act superior to my other friends who live with Autism. Maybe they are really insecure? On top of that they have not appeared to take an interest in getting to know my friends and I. In fact they decline every single invitation because there isn't any alcohol at our things.

So I didn't say anything and just blocked him on Facebook.

Tufted Titmouse
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09 Jan 2015, 4:57 pm

Some people reply to be polite, but make their replies so bad that they hope u get the hint and don't keep prompting them.

Also it's a bit much to make contact with someone in multiple ways. People are busy and if they don't respond to your message it's alot better to take the hint than make a fool of yourself and feel even worse about it later.


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10 Jan 2015, 11:41 am

I got blocked by some people, because they have some kind of reason to want to stay away from me. I'm not a bad guy, people are awfully creative with their "reasons"


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10 Jan 2015, 5:17 pm

I was blocked by someone on Facebook. I believe I may know a reason, but I can't really say for sure if that's why.


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11 Jan 2015, 2:07 pm

thatsrobrageous wrote:
I got blocked by some people, because they have some kind of reason to want to stay away from me. I'm not a bad guy, people are awfully creative with their "reasons"

Those are people who don't have anything better to do with their time by finding someone wrong with you so they can put themselves up.