Accepting compliments, gratitude, etc...

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11 Jan 2013, 4:53 pm

Anyone else here have a hard time being on the receiving end of compliments, gifts, gratitude, and so on? It occurred to be yesterday how much of a challenge this is for me.

I never really know what to say or how to respond appropriately; I find that if someone thanks me or compliments me, the most I can think of saying a lot of the time is "yeah"--provided I say anything at all.

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11 Jan 2013, 5:00 pm

If it's a small compliment I can take it. Something like "good job" is fine, but anything more than that is prone to cause a reaction similar to a small panic attack. I don't think it's actually anxiety related, it just seems that way.

Same deal with criticism.


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11 Jan 2013, 5:02 pm

The majority of compliments are insincere and carry their own agenda. I dislike it when people start throwing them around... whether at me or at other people. I'd much rather be criticised.

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11 Jan 2013, 5:04 pm

Ive always had a hard time recieving compliments.

I dont think Im particularly attractive -- Im a very tall very large person 6'6 280lbs with Glasses.
I dont think Im particularly smart -- I know alot of things, about my narrow focus interests, and not much else.
I dont think Im social at all -- Im an aspie I readily accept this.

So when people give me compliments, I normally just disagree or deflect.

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11 Jan 2013, 5:08 pm

Hi, Sylant!

I feel panicky, too. It almost feels like the other person has just created an even higher standard to which I must adhere, a new umbrella rule. Maybe I like simply doing things correctly, and don't like the pressure of now being super awesome.


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11 Jan 2013, 5:52 pm

I used to have a lot of trouble accepting compliments. Now, I think I do it too easily! (accepting compliments from creepy strangers, etc.)

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11 Jan 2013, 5:54 pm

I am terrible at accepting compliments. They usually fly right over my head. I come in, I fix problems, I ask if there is anything else and then leave. I do not require any comments. I try to be very nice and accept comments but they might as well be saying hi or bye I process them the same way. I do not put any weight into receiving them. In my work people like to offer me food. I never partake. I have a severe phobia of food which was not prepared in front of me. I usually tell people I have already eaten. This usually satisfies them. I also refuse any gratuity. Anytime anyone offers I feel almost offended. This tends to carry beyond work and into my personal life too. I deal much better with exchange of services or goods then cash. I fix my buddy’s car all the time and he comes over and works on mine with me. I never accept or receive any payment for my time as I consider it an even trade. If anybody asks me to work on their car and have no proceivable means of repaying me with serivces or goods I refuse payment for my services and take offense to any offer of cash. In those cases I work out of charity.


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11 Jan 2013, 6:36 pm

Compliments that are unexpected, too strong, too frequent, or expressed in a way that goes on too long can feel like just as much of a confrontation as criticism. Gratitude and compliments can feel overblown, because I'm not that great. Gifts can be tough, because I'm hard to get stuff for. I suppose I'm too particular and also don't feel like I need much. Also, receiving a gift can sometimes feel like a confrontation, if I didn't know it was coming. If it's an expected occasion, such as a birthday, I like to be consulted about the gift. If there's no occasion, i prefer to get stuff for myself. I find it especially painful to handle getting a gift that's wrong for me, though I always try to be gracious and not let on. But then I feel like a liar and feel bad. I also worry about what will happen if they find out. People claim to want honesty, but most people usually really don't.

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11 Jan 2013, 6:42 pm

I get a panicked feeling as well and usually respond with an awkward "thank you", having been taught that that was the polite thing to do.


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11 Jan 2013, 7:42 pm

I have a hard time accepting compliments for a number of reasons,

1-When I can see flaws and/or mistakes in what I'm being complimented on, my responce is to deflect and point out the flaws.
2-When the acomplishment isn't a big deal to me but is to others, I deflect by down playing.
3-When I know I did something good but is afrade I might accidently brag, I deflect again, change the topic, return a compliment back to try to downgrade mine.
4-I know I did something really good but feel uncomferble with the attenion given, happens the odd time when I win a race for example, dozens of people come to congratulate me, feel overwelmed and want to hide, I normally try to change the topic to something sort of related but not personal.

I just can't respond to personal comments well so I deflect and downgrade, dosen't help that I am very critical of myself and a perfectionist and that makes me unable to accpet acolades from others. The best I can usally do is a 1/2 baked "Thanks".


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11 Jan 2013, 8:11 pm

When I was a kid I used to freak out on my birthday when relatives would give me presents. Instead of saying thank you and smiling, I would get frustrated and run off to my bedroom. Looking back I think I felt under pressure to conform socially and I found something as simple as expressing gratitude stressfull and confusing. I am much better now but still panic a bit and act strange when someone gives me an unexpected compliment. Eg. "Nice haircut" Me: "Erm, yeah, its been like this for ages actually...erm, gotta go. See ya." ...Why cant I just say 'thank you' damnit?

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11 Jan 2013, 8:12 pm

Weird. I don't panick, actually when I get a compliment I tend to get insanely happy. I will just say something like "thanks" or "really, you think so?", but internally I'm grinning like an idiot.


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11 Jan 2013, 8:21 pm

Yeah, this has been an issue for me my whole life. If it's just one complimentary statement that I can then respond to with a simple "thank you," it's okay. The problems start when the complimentary statement is comprised of multiple tiers. Such as; "You did a very good job with 'x'." and I reply, "thank you". But then person goes on to say "And I really like how you 'x'. That was great." So I say thank you again. Now here it can go some difficult to manage places. Because I tend to speak in a monotone vocal range, sometimes my "thank you" will be interpreted as insincere or as some sort of sarcasm. Which then triggers a laugh from the other person and a "No, I really mean it! haha!" and I say "...okay".

It all goes pear shaped. I'm better with criticism. If the criticism is constructive and helpful for me I will appreciate it.


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11 Jan 2013, 11:00 pm

Si_82 wrote:
When I was a kid I used to freak out on my birthday when relatives would give me presents. Instead of saying thank you and smiling, I would get frustrated and run off to my bedroom. Looking back I think I felt under pressure to conform socially and I found something as simple as expressing gratitude stressfull and confusing.

You mean I'm not the only one who's had birthday freakouts as a kid? 8O

I dislike my birthdays for this exact reason--I don't like being the center of attention, and found it incredibly hard to say thank you and such. My family eventually got the idea and since I turned 18, my birthday celebrations have been very low-key.


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11 Jan 2013, 11:06 pm

FishStickNick wrote:
Anyone else here have a hard time being on the receiving end of compliments, gifts, gratitude, and so on? It occurred to be yesterday how much of a challenge this is for me.

I never really know what to say or how to respond appropriately; I find that if someone thanks me or compliments me, the most I can think of saying a lot of the time is "yeah"--provided I say anything at all.

Can you read my mind? You just summed up the way I receive them.

I also feel embarrassed and as it was mentioned before, I will also see this as a raised standard they expect from me, even if this may not be the case (I fear being blamed for being "worse than before" in such a case).

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11 Jan 2013, 11:13 pm

Sylvastor wrote:
FishStickNick wrote:
Anyone else here have a hard time being on the receiving end of compliments, gifts, gratitude, and so on? It occurred to be yesterday how much of a challenge this is for me.

I never really know what to say or how to respond appropriately; I find that if someone thanks me or compliments me, the most I can think of saying a lot of the time is "yeah"--provided I say anything at all.

Can you read my mind? You just summed up the way I receive them.

I've been on this forum since April, and I don't know how many times my response to things I've seen here has basically been, "holy crap, that sounds like me!"

I also feel embarrassed and as it was mentioned before, I will also see this as a raised standard they expect from me, even if this may not be the case (I fear being blamed for being "worse than before" in such a case).

I can relate to this too.