sam-hinch wrote:
They won't give me an Aspergers test, because they don't want to fund it. I find this absolutely discusting. I went to see them about it, and the doctor didn't seem that intrested in me at all. I'm sure I have AS. But I will never know if I have it now, (unless they fund it for me). Surely if there is something wrong with you they have to give it you by law. It's just like someone who a mental breakdown and then the doctors won't give them treatment.
What should I do?
Can you see another GP?
I know that it's really hard to get a diagnosis with the NHS when you're an adult, but I saw my GP last week and made an appointment for me to see the CPN (Community Psychiatric Nurse) next Monday. What will happen afterwards, if anything, I don't know. It's up to her if she wants to refer me.
Sorry I can't be any more help than that.
I hope that you find a solution!