BlackSabre7 wrote:
Robdemanc wrote:
The theory says that before the big bang the whole universe was compressed into something the size of a proton? If I remember correctly...
So there was a proton with huge mass.
But I like thinking about this. If there was no time before the BB then there was no before from the perspective of our universe. But maybe there was something different there. Or maybe our universe expanded within another universe and that other universe is now pushed to the outer regions and we'll never see it.
Yeah I thought of that too. Like ripples in a pond. So another one could occur also.
But this would mean the Universe had a centre and an edge( which it doesn't unless you count the brick wall with a sign that says 'end of universe, go back'

Trying to imagine the edge of the universe is like trying to imagine what was before.

The easiest way out of this situation is to accept infinity as the answer. No beginning, no end. I know I am not a cosmologist but I find the idea of the big bang being an absolute start of the universe a little presumptious. I think of it as a bang that occurred within the universe we can see.
Infinity is great because it frees the mind of beginning, end, and edge. So no brickwall is necessary.