compiledkernel wrote:
Bipolar's are a constant fluctuation of Upper moments (Mania) and Downer moments (Depression). Its fairly easy to pick these out if you associate with the person (and there are times they dont medicate).
Well, you know in theory this sounds very easy, but Bipolar is the most over- and underdx mental disorder (at least that what some Bipolar experts say) and my shrinks before also had knowledge and missed it. Especially Bipolar II is easy to miss.
I guess there are three mainpoints in this situation:
1) She has also mental problems and notices them propably fast in other ppl.
2) I never mentioned my diagnoses I have, but it wasn't hard to guess that I could have one, because of my knowlledge about psychiatry (We didn't talked much about it though).
3) (And I guess that's even the mainpoint) We both "pushed" us in this situation, she having Borderline PD and ADHD and me being in a hypomanic mood.
I also heared that ppl with Borderline PD are very good in sensing the mood of the other people around them. And even can get "overwhelmed" by it.
Also she having those disorders she propably sensed that I have something different than her. (But with some overlapping features). So and that's Bipolar...!
After that I visited a friend of mine in the hospital (I promissed her to come every day so long she is in there, eventhough that's sometimes a bit much for me, but very often I don't stay long). She isn't autistic at all, but has a rare neurological condition that goes along in her case with epilepsy and she never really notices my mood. She didn't notice anything and she knowes me a lot longer. But I guess this also has to do a lot with her disorder. I can be overloaded or even depressed.
Actually most of the time I just show my mood a bit to the outside and situations how I described it are the exeption. If my mood is not extreme, I can hide it and I need a while to connect to ppl, even in a hypermanic mood (but it's still easyer then). That could be one of the mainreasons why Bipolar is missed very easily in ppl with ASD, when it's not extreme.
My mom also has a Bipolar suspicion about me since a while, even before I had it, but she knows me a lot longer of course and she is a nurse, so has at least some knowledge about mental disorders.
"I'm astounded by people who want to 'know' the universe when it's hard enough to find your way around Chinatown." - Woody Allen
Last edited by Raziel on 29 Jan 2013, 10:14 am, edited 2 times in total.