What is your favorite genre of video games?

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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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02 Feb 2013, 3:21 am

I am just going to say, I love science fiction and fantasy mainly.


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02 Feb 2013, 4:30 am

Hard to say....first of all you seem to be asking more "setting" than "genre". I find that I am more drawn to sci-fi but there isn't enough good sci-fi games out there so I end up playing fantasy games (which are cool....but they need more mecha, spaceships and lasers!)

Tufted Titmouse
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02 Feb 2013, 1:43 pm

LimitedSlip wrote:
Hard to say....first of all you seem to be asking more "setting" than "genre". I find that I am more drawn to sci-fi but there isn't enough good sci-fi games out there so I end up playing fantasy games (which are cool....but they need more mecha, spaceships and lasers!)
I agree about the Sci-fi games. Also, I got confused with what word is used to a type of video. Sorry.


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02 Feb 2013, 2:00 pm

Hmm.... the best Sci-Fi game experience I can think is Bioshock. I'm burned out on more standard games like Halo.

Otherwise, I used to play the hell out of Star Wars: Battlefront

But for the gaming style I love Stealth Action. The defining game for this is Splinter Cell.

I also hade some enjoyment with Aliens Vs. Predator despite being based on an awful movie idea. It offers the role to play 2 alien races with unique stealth and combat abilities. I was only annoyed with the Predator's low ammo reserve. The Alien was basic but so speedy and deadly.


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02 Feb 2013, 3:12 pm

Fantasy, with a little Sci-Fi now and then for spice.

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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02 Feb 2013, 8:41 pm

I mostly play RPG's. Setting doesn't bother me (I like Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Fallout, Elder Scrolls, Amalur, etc....) the more I can customize the character and/or story, the more I am likely to love it.


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02 Feb 2013, 8:43 pm

I played City of Heroes before NCSOFT dumped it.

I really enjoyed how the character developed and the extensive customizing system.


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03 Feb 2013, 4:06 am

With games, genre usually refers to how the game plays(Fighting, Strategy, Action, Adventure, Shooter, RPG, Puzzle, Racing, Sports, etc.), unlike movies which is more about story/setting. Some games ride the line between different genres as well.

Personally my favorite game genre is a bit neglected. Not enough companies really make turn-based strategy games any more. I do still need to get X-Com: Enemy Unknown since I always loved the original game in the series, but other then that the last big turn-based strategy release was from the same company with Civilization 5. There are some smaller releases in the genre, but they are still few and far between while all the developers at major companies pump out shooters, open world action games, and MMOs that inevitably go free to play because they can't sustain a subscription fanbase. Or so it seems like most companies are focusing on these days. Don't get me wrong, I like a wide variety of genres, but I get the most enjoyment out of a good turn-based strategy. Probably my second favorite would be party-based RPGs, which is another neglected genre these days, last one I really enjoyed there was Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer. I am not a big fan of things like Skyrim where you control one character and companions are barely an afterthought. One of the things I like most in RPGs is the interactions between you and different characters in your group and among themselves. It adds so much more to the overall story that I enjoy.

But I do have some things to look forward to along those lines right now. Fire Emblem: Awakening comes out this month(Supposedly Monday, but none of the retailers here seem to agree on an actual date) for the 3DS and give me some strategy RPG fun. Later down the road there is Project Eternity from Obsidian, a new game in the style of classics like Baldur's Gate and Planescape: Torment(One of my favorite games of all time). Also Triumph Studios, developer of my favorite turn-based strategy series Age of Wonders, is announcing their next game this week. Triumph has been working on the game since 2009 when they shipped Overlord 2, and I am really hoping its Age of Wonders 3 or some other turn-based strategy game.


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03 Feb 2013, 11:43 am

JRPGs. Easily JRPGs.

My 360 gamertag is JRPGsForTheWin.

I grew up playing them.


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03 Feb 2013, 11:59 am

Star Trek On Line and World of Warcraft.

The rest bore me.


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03 Feb 2013, 7:13 pm

Games where you get to intricately design your character.

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04 Feb 2013, 3:29 am

Games like Age of Empires and Comand and Conquer. Don't know the genre name


Pileated woodpecker
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04 Feb 2013, 12:06 pm


There are many varieties of the Sandbox game (Action = GTA; RPG = Elder Scrolls/Fallout 3; Stealth = Hitman), but the freedom and replayability of the genre really fascinates me. The only things lacking in the genre, in general, are story and immersion.


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04 Feb 2013, 7:36 pm

I don't think I could limit myself to one genre. I like action games, rpgs(mostly jrpgs), survival horror(the real survival horror, not mislabeled fps), adventure/puzzle games, platformers, point and clicks, visual novels, classic fps(the old style), some third person shooter games(like the Uncharteds), the occasional sandbox game, sidescrollers, the occasional hack and slash, the occasional sim, and artsy games(like those produced by That Game Company).


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04 Feb 2013, 10:27 pm

Philosoraptor wrote:

There are many varieties of the Sandbox game (Action = GTA; RPG = Elder Scrolls/Fallout 3; Stealth = Hitman), but the freedom and replayability of the genre really fascinates me. The only things lacking in the genre, in general, are story and immersion.

Same here. I don't like having to follow a linear path like in the Call of Duty games.

Emu Egg
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05 Feb 2013, 12:04 am

Survival horror, for the win! Silent Hill, the old original Resident Evil games, Clock Tower. Oh yes.