When I was in high school, it didn't matter what the assignment was, I wrote about motorcycles anyway.
I remember one time the teacher assigned us to write an essay on "Cheating in School" and within a paragraph, I was writing about motorcycles. She was a bit perturbed about that.
Back to the topic at hand. There are several things you could argue in a paper on Asperger's.
1) Argue for the changes in the DSM regarding the merger of Autism and Aspergers.
2) Argue against the changes in the DSM regarding the merger of Autism and Aspergers.
3) Argue that Aspergers does not predispose its victims to planning violence (as in school shootings) against others.
4) Argue why a cure for Aspergers or Autism would be a great thing.
5) Argue why a cure for Aspergers or Autism would not be a great thing.
If it were me, I'd probably take option 6:
6) Argue why people with Aspergers wouild be much better off riding motorcycles.