ook interested and do lots of "really?"s, "a-ha?"s, "wow!"s, "that's unbelievable"s and the like.
I would like to extend on this by saying if an NT ever tells you about his or her problems, do not try "one up" them by bringing in an even bigger problem that you have, even if it is true. No doubt the problems that NTs face may seem extremely trivial and worthless compared to what an AS person face day to day, but NTs think that by doing this you lack empathy and that you are belittling their problems. Comparing your problems to theirs does not make them feel better about themselves.
The best advice I can give is to occasionally 'mirror' their words back at them, because simply saying "uh-huh" and "wow" (especially if you have problems with voice intonation) may mean that you are disinterested in what they have to say. Do not parrot their words back verbatim, but rephrase what they said to you in the form of a question. Of course, only ask them a question occasionally because doing it excessively can be percieved as being irritationg and do not forget to still say things like "I understand" and "thats terrible".