Well hallo there, I come to you from the greater depths of Europe
I'm not sure why I'm here entirely, I'm one of those strange neurotypical (allistic?) creatures, I came here after seeing this forum mentioned in a discussion elsewhere. I guess I'm here to observe and learn some things
I'm usually vague about nationality and location and gender and other specific stuff and blah blah blah... hey I like the mystery okay
Interests? Gosh, where do I start, there's so many...zoology (ofc), doodling, crafting, restoration (of many things), nostalgia & retro (love that 70s fashion!), languages and culture (generally Europe but Asia too), EDM and other electronic genres, travel and tourism, cookery... I think that's enough for now
More about me? Well gee I dunno, I'm pretty social when given the opportunity, but some bad experiences with college have left me housebound for 3 years now and have left me in a tricky situation, social-wise