meems wrote:
Slavery is actually pretty common, though illegal in the U.S. There are lots of people illegally trafficked here, and some of them end up in these situations.
Even people who are free to leave their situation and appear to be there voluntarily are frequently clueless to their rights and feel they have to stay for one reason or another and can't trust U.S. authorities, or feel like they'll just be arrested etc.
This is f***ing common and it makes me sick. For the number of people brought into the U.S. ... the FBI has just been getting a grip on how to identify and go after people trafficking people in, and the estimated numbers of people trafficked in... you gotta face up to reality at some point and admit there are a lot of people living in basements or whatever and kept for sexual slavery. Children, adults, whatever, it's all f***ing disgusting and I wish we had a more efficient way of weeding it out and helping these people/prosecuting those behind the trafficking and false imprisonment or whatever the charges are in most states.
if its hapening in vermont think how much it must happen other places
Forever gone
Sorry I ever joined