I contemplated suicide for a while. After I grew apart from my best friend in middle school, I started cutting. Instead of hearing my cry for help, my parents thought I was crying out for boundaries. I remember overhearing them say that they were treating my "addiction" like a drug addiction--and they did. They took away anything that could be used as a knife, they forbade me from closing my doors, they wouldn't let me wear long sleeves (unless it was extremely cold out) and worst of all, they gave me regular "pep talks" that sounded a lot like "Why are you cutting. You have no reason to cut. Did we not give you a good enough life? You're being ungrateful. Oh, you're doing it because you think we're putting too much pressure on you? WE HAVE TO PUT SO MUCH PRESSURE ON YOU BECAUSE YOU DON'T WORK UP TO YOUR POTENTIAL. STOP BEING SO LAZY." Early on, my mother drove me to a doctor so I could tell him why I was doing what I was doing, so I said I felt like there was a lot of pressure on me to be perfect. She railed at me on the long drive home about how I "fed all those disgusting half-truths to that doctor." I felt like my own parents had rejected me for not being perfect.
The worst part about that, though, wasn't the fact that I felt my parents had rejected me. I felt like I could never recover from that mistake. I contemplated suicide frequently.
I'm glad I never went through with it.
Now, I have a pretty good life. I have a BA, and I'm going for my Master's soon. My relationship with my parents is better, as is my relationship with my siblings. But more than that, I have a good job where I try to help kids feel a little better about their lives and themselves. If I had killed myself, I would not be able to help those students see themselves as beautiful, wonderful people with all the potential in the world. I wouldn't have been able to be a Big Sister to a little boy with a stepdad who made him feel horrible. And I wouldn't be here to tell you that things do get better, and that you have more potential than you ever thought possible.
Do you believe in God? I do. And I believe that God pulled me back from that ledge so I could tell you that jumping off would be a mistake. If you kill yourself, you are making your own words into a prophecy: You are ensuring that things will never get better, because you won't give them a chance to get better. But if you stay for just a little while longer, I promise you that things will improve.
Please don't do it. If you do, the world will lose something it can never get back. Every person is a masterpiece, and you're no exception. You're just a Picasso in a gallery of Rembrandts and Da Vincis.