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16 Mar 2013, 1:36 pm

I'm a bi girl, and I've found that, while flirting with guys is perplexing enough, flirting with girls is even more confusing. Mostly because straight girls say pseudo-flirtatious things to each other all the time, so if I wanted to let a girl know I was romantically interested in her, I would have to be COMPLETELY blatant, which isn't my style at all. Anyone else notice this?


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16 Mar 2013, 1:56 pm

StreetlightFancies wrote:
... straight girls say pseudo-flirtatious things to each other all the time, so if I wanted to let a girl know I was romantically interested in her, I would have to be COMPLETELY blatant, which isn't my style at all. Anyone else notice this?

Yes. I'm a straight male, and I've noticed this as well. When I was single, as long as I kept my intentions ambiguous, women would be friendly and "pseudo-flirtatious"; but as soon as I expressed more serious interest, they would either shy away or get all clingy - there was no middle ground.

After a while, I learned that unless the woman that I was interested in started implying that she and I should be together more often and at the exclusion of others, she was not interested in me as "The One".

I hope that makes sense ... does it?


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16 Mar 2013, 2:03 pm

Yeah, that makes sense. Thanks for the pointers.


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16 Mar 2013, 7:18 pm

Girls are much easier to lez on when they're drunk, but you feel guilty about it afterwards.

The safest way to do it is to meet women in LGBT groups and then you know that they like girls for real. I've yet to actually get a real girlfriend this way, though.

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20 Mar 2013, 6:51 pm

I mean, there definitely is a line but it's very thin.

Like, for example, "I think you're cute" vs "You're so cute!"

I've found that in flirting most girls don't just go "You're so cute!" or pretty or what have you. Like, it's a compliment but it's a friendly compliment. I don't know. English is strange. And "I think you're cute" seems blatant but, I mean, it has a bit more serious undertone.

I mean, there's nothing at all wrong with being blatant or serious. Girls usually find such awkwardness endearing in my experience. I mean, then again I'm terrible at flirting so I probably shouldn't be giving flirting advice


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21 Mar 2013, 3:08 pm

Yet another reason for me to send grateful thanks to the author of my being that I'm gay.

Boys are primal. Flirting might not get you where you want with a specific guy, but you will usually know whether he is interested or not.



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02 Apr 2013, 1:08 am

i'm pretty blunt so i guess i've not had trouble =)