Not officially diagnosed yet, but I know. I figured it out 6 months or so ago after symptoms got really bad and I looked things up online, then read a few books about AS. I know.
Funny thing is, I maybe should have looked into it years ago... as one memory that comes to mind from business school back when I was ~18 years old I had calculated & delivered the answer to some math question by the time the instructor had finished asking the questions and presenting the figures.. he thought I'd seen it before or something and asked how I came to that conclusion, I immediately delivered a precise monologue on the mathematical process to calculate the answer which I had done in my head moments earlier. Being the youngest in the class, I had a room of ~50 people staring at me in aw, wondering how the F I'd just done that. All I could think was "sorry, I didn't realize it was supposed to take longer... I thought this was a quick simple example and we were moving right along, not intending to spend the next 10-15minutes working out the answer to this in groups of 4.. oops." A bit later, one of my teammates looked at me and said in a slow but sincere voice "no.. it's got to be some kind of autism," and I didn't say anything at all in response, I just thought "f**k you.. as*hole," and then never gave it any additional thought. In 20/20 hindsight, I reeeeeeeaally should have looked it up and read about it back then, I'd have figured things out 12 years earlier!! ! Ah well, can't change the past.. learning now & moving forward.
for supporting trump. Because doing so is deplorable.