Lots! The earliest repetitive behaviours that I remember are
- pushing cardboxes in front of me
We have list of pictures of me on which I am a few months old and holding onto a cardbox.
I adored my cardboxes and mom said that I was the happiest baby when I was left to push around a box, never growing tired of doing it until I lit ally fell asleep from exhaustion.
- manipulating a huge baby toy that emitted all kinds of noises
I got it on my first Christmas Eve. When I was around 3, it suddenly "disappeared" because my parents or the new neighbours were bothered if I played with it during the night.
- lining up marbles and other things
If left to line up to my heart's content, I created large rows from one side of the room to the other with marbles, stones, Lego, crayons and objects that I found around the house (including trash). My favourite nighttime activity for years!
Well, other than kicking marbles against the wall to create that clanking noise that I loved, too.
- lining up my stuffed toys in bed
After climbing into my bed in the evening and before getting out in the morning, I lined them up around my bed.
- drawing stairs
I don't remember this being an intense interest or anything (in my memory, I simply liked stairs in my early childhood) but when I went through my early childhood drawings while searching for drawings of people, there were lots covered with stairs.
Autism + ADHD
The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it. Terry Pratchett