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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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11 Apr 2013, 10:41 am

Hello everyone. I am new to this idea but the desire not to feel alone in the world overpowers my need to withdraw. I am already diagnosed with depression and anxiety disorders and upon recently visiting a new therapist, I was introduced to Asperger's. At first I immediately dismissed the idea and felt as though I was misunderstood. I am thirty four years old and have had a successful military career and am now medically retired for Sarcoidosis not for mental disorders. I have always felt confused by how other people behaved and my ex-wife literally had to drag me into our relationship. Of course it failed for a multitude of reasons that became abundantly clear last night as I read the medical journals online and began to see that my therapist did not misunderstand me she had actually seen what apparently very few others had. I constantly had to tell my wife to explain what was wrong because I cannot understand subtle nuances. I have only one or two close friends and have been the on the losing end of bullying and wordplay my whole life and now I know why. I am sorry for the long post but I just hope that I have finally found a place where people see the world the way I do without all the nonsense and illogical behavior.


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11 Apr 2013, 10:50 am

Welcome to Wrong Planet! :)

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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11 Apr 2013, 12:00 pm

I am 40 years old and after surviving the whole of my life absorbing, hiding and avoiding i have finally built up the courage to push for a diagnosis. I know i have Aspergers, the social anxiety, the OCD, dissociative disorder, constant compulsion to analyse everything and everybody, the feeling of dread, the sensory overload whenever i step out into the light, the list goes on and on. Ive always known that im different, always felt alone, didnt know until recently that there are people just like me, longing to live instead of just existing. Hello world


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11 Apr 2013, 12:39 pm

ozymondias wrote:
Hello everyone. I am new to this idea but the desire not to feel alone in the world overpowers my need to withdraw. I am already diagnosed with depression and anxiety disorders and upon recently visiting a new therapist, I was introduced to Asperger's. At first I immediately dismissed the idea and felt as though I was misunderstood. I am thirty four years old and have had a successful military career and am now medically retired for Sarcoidosis not for mental disorders. I have always felt confused by how other people behaved and my ex-wife literally had to drag me into our relationship. Of course it failed for a multitude of reasons that became abundantly clear last night as I read the medical journals online and began to see that my therapist did not misunderstand me she had actually seen what apparently very few others had. I constantly had to tell my wife to explain what was wrong because I cannot understand subtle nuances. I have only one or two close friends and have been the on the losing end of bullying and wordplay my whole life and now I know why. I am sorry for the long post but I just hope that I have finally found a place where people see the world the way I do without all the nonsense and illogical behavior.

Welcome ozzy (may I call you that?). I was recently separated from the army after 9 years of active duty service and 2 1/2 reserve. I don't know about you, but while it had its great points, overall it was always extremely frustrating to me. This page might help explain why. Did you possibly have a similar experience?

The ultimate high is to no longer need one.

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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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11 Apr 2013, 1:38 pm

I had a real rough time fitting in not that I ever really did. I was intelligent and good at my job though and always managed to get lucky and find one other person I could at least talk to. I made it to Staff Sergeant but I knew that was it. I had trouble focusing on more than one project and I would stress out every time an op order changed even if there were no changes for my platoon. Knowing now that I have this problem I can understand why I stressed so often and kept avoiding confrontations. I remember one time I was driving fast through housing and some lady drove up and yelled at me as I was getting out of my car. My wife didn't understand why I didn't say anything back. How could I tell her all I wanted to do was run?


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11 Apr 2013, 2:01 pm

Welcome :)

I'm always here, all you have to do is ask and you shall receive

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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11 Apr 2013, 2:41 pm

Welcome 8)