PuppyDog wrote:
Why do scientists hate the idea of God? They strongly object to God as an explanation for anything. They'll accept pretty much any explanation as long as it's not God. They just absolutely hate the possibility of God. Scientists should quit objecting to God.
Refusing to accept God as an explanation is not hate. It's scientific. There is no acceptable way that an unproven and unprovable hypothesis can be accepted as a scientific truth. If there is a God, if he is a truth, then science will show it through experimentation and verifiable truth, leaving no other, more logical explanation.
Science is unbiased, or should be. Scientists look at what is in front of them, analyze it, and form a conclusion. They question. They test. They reason. Religion demands that we take the word of someone else, a priest or a holy book written two thousand years ago or a mullah or a bhikku or whatever, rather than to test and question. And invariably, every one of these belief systems demand that you take it on faith that theirs is the only acceptable answer. It is inherently emotional. it is inherently biased.
The Bible has never been peer-reviewed, and under scrutiny for it's veracity, comes up as dead wrong most of the time in it's description of historical events. A scientist will tell you that based on its virtually universal inaccuracy, the Bible can't be accepted as truth. The theologian will tell you that it's allegorical, or literally true and what we can prove is flawed, because God likes to %$^& with us, he will provide basically any explanation regardless of logic and observable truth. The scientists demands facts, and his opinions change as the facts unfold. The theologian bends facts to suit his opinion.
A better approach than asking why scientists refuse to accept God is to look inward. Why is it so important to you that your personal deity be universally accepted as truth? Why is it so important that scientists stop pushing, stop testing, stop asking? Why is the search for verifiable truth so very offensive? If you are secure in your own faith, wouldn't it be better and more trusting and faithful in God's plan to be confident that the search for truth with lead back to him? Ask yourself the hard questions, rather than silencing those who do.