The usual, over charge the person till he will plead guilty to just a hanging offense.
Trials like this make political stars, they are all running for Governor. Make your name famous, cash in during the next election.
I do think he is guilty enough, a simple trial, 500 years chained up in the basement, living on bread and water.
Killing people is too expensive, takes too long, and is painless.
We cannot punish people equal to their crimes. Life in solitary confinement is our worst.
Being kept in a food cage for years next to the lion enclosure, knowing that someday the door between will open, and watching as many go before you, live on pay per view, to fund the people you harmed, might be a deterant.
The guilty exploit the innocent, so exploiting the guilty makes sense.
Lions start by killing their prey, bears just break some bones and start eating. Releasing rats into his cell might be a long term show.
Justice has become a lawyer feeding frenzy, a media circus, it could make a Reality TV show.