Callista wrote:
Yeah, I get what you mean. I am supposed to be some kind of amazing student, but I'm still working on my BS.
If it helps any, think of how many other people have the same IQ score you have, or higher. For a score of 145, there are nearly ten million people with that same ability to score that high. Which means--if you fail, if you mess up or don't reach your potential, that doesn't mean that the world will forever be poorer for it, that you've hurt everybody. It just means that, sooner or later, one of those ten million people (or someone with a talent, who can't score that high) would make the contribution you're worried about not making. Yes, it does matter that everybody contributes, because if nobody did we'd get nowhere; but it does mean that if you fail, you're not going to doom anything. Other people can pick up the slack. And, anyway, IQ isn't really a measure of intelligence; it's more of a measure of how well you do on an IQ test.
It helps sometimes to remember that I'm not really that important or that special, because that means that I don't have to try to carry the world around on my back.
That is a pretty interesting way to see the issues. I think my biggest stressor, to be honest, is my artistic abilities. I think its really crummy that I quit at a very young age, and refused to try for years, because my ideas of drawing and what my resulting drawings turned out to be where overly substandard for my tastes and that now that I have picked it up again I do not seem to do any "amazing" work. I think I am a bit too hard on myself, personally, about that issue and that I am wasting my intellect on that regard and that I should be able to do more.
Not to mention that my subjects are not usually of a popular interest (not that THAT concerns me) but it limits my flexibility of subject matter. And sometimes it hurts my feelings when people get bored of my pictures.