Ashamed of my body... gender dysphoria?

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Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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22 May 2013, 5:41 am

I'm in a huge phase of depression right now... as I've posted in a couple of threads, can't STAND my feminine-looking body and its feminine functions, and hate the word "woman" with a vengeance (I don't mind "girl", but the word "woman" can go die in a fire) and just have to put up with it in thread titles. Yet I don't feel like a guy at all... some days I want nothing more than to be a person with no gender or biological sex, and am repulsed by the idea of sexual contact with anyone... yet other days I'm just a normal girl who has just as many dirty thoughts as the next person. But no matter how I'm feeling, I always want a less curvy, flat-chested, more childish-looking figure... don't know what's going on.

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22 May 2013, 8:10 am

From the experience of my travels, I wouls say you might be gender fluid. Could be worth checking out.

If today were opposite day. Wouldn't it be the opposite of opposite day?


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22 May 2013, 8:18 am

Do you know what it is about sexual contact you find disturbing? I'm no expert of course, but it sounds less like a gender issue than coming to terms with being a sexual person. Somewhere those urges/processes became linked with being deviant or disgusting. I hope you find some peace with this.

Pileated woodpecker
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22 May 2013, 11:29 am

There was a period in my life where I just wanted to eliminate all gender identification and become truly androgynous (though part of the problem was that I am male with an effeminate body, so I get confused for being a girl a lot). People like that are generally known as Neutrois. You can look into it. I am not as paranoid now in that I am okay with what I look like. It took time, a few attempts at fashion statements, etc. Have you tried things like compression shirts to flatten you chest?