Avoidance of an individual?
Anybody else suffer with this problem? Its not something i've come across alot.
As well as my general social anxiety, rejection affects me terribly. In the last 10 years i've had two mini relationships with 2 girls (more a few dates than actual relationships). Both seemed to be going well, then out of the blue, the girl just dumped me or went off with someone else. My reaction to this is to avoid not only each girl but anything that has any connection with either of them. The first girl was a long time ago in college and I could work around avoiding her but the latest is local and my friends are also her friends so its really awkward. I dont have alot of friends and they dont know about my condition and its really hard now because i've had to stop seeing them too just because they remind me of the girl.
I've been with other girls between these two girls but i've never been in a relationship and thats what I thought would happen with the two girls I now avoid.I cant really explain why I avoid them. It just hurts so much to have anything to do with them. I cant even look at pictures of them. I wasnt "in love" with either girl, I just thought we really got on, then its just over and no explanation. I dont know whether I feel shame, embarrissment, lonliness, disappointment, frustartion at not knowing why they ended it, or what. I know its taken me 10 years to try and move on from the first girl and then as soon as I do, the exact same thing happens.
I've been to numerous counsellors, psychologists and psychiarists but nothing helps. Their methods make no sense to me and as yet no medication has worked. I've only been diagnosed recently so i've been treated like a NT all the time. Im sure there has to be different methods for treating someone on the spectrum.
I feel really down at the moment and I was just wondering does anybody have similar experiences regarding avoidance or I welcome any ideas on how I may overcome this but please dont say, "just face the 2 girls"