Each and everyone of us have a certain thing that makes our annoyed alarm go off. Whether it's strangers taking a seat next to you on the bus/train - thinking it's totally OK to show off their "mouth diarrhea" to you for the entire ride, or the enormous dog poo left behind in the middle of the street by Fido dearest's lazy owner.
I'll start:
- Both of the examples mentioned above - oh and stepping in dog poo, that's crappy, ugh..
- Cyclists who have "forgotten" how to use the bicycle bell (forcing pedestrians to either guess where the "faint wheel against asphalt" sound comes from, and how much it has managed to close up on them - or to start playing the slightly paranoid "Where's bikey?" game, in which they have to detect where the bike is by hastily turning their heads backward, then forward again whilst trying to figure out which spot of the pavement they should stick to, to avoid the cyclist crashing into them from behind)
- People or cyclists who walk/cycle in groups, who don't have the stamina to split up/"free" some space for a few seconds to give people the opportunity to walk past them
- People who eat with their mouth open, especially the sound of it
- People who don't care to cover their mouth when they cough
- Stubbing your toe or the "funny bone"
- People who talk loudly/argue on their mobile phone out in public
- Those public toilets you have to pay for (Especially when i was a kid, and literally had to go about all the time, and then when my mom didn't have coins available (which she usually didn't), i had to dance my way round about until we finally managed to exchange some coins - and the way back to that goddamn toilet was always the worst - On the way back there it went from a wiggly dance walk to a very very wiggly dance walk combined with some awkward stagnant pauses in between, trying not to collapse)
- People who are cutting in line and whom for some strange reason have gotten the idea that while they do this misdeed, they become temporarily invisible to the people they "victimize", making it totally OK to do it - because hey when no one really sees you doing it, it's totally OK, right?! right? "No numbnuts! My superpower is super-vision - Back off or i'll stuff you with whatever's available in my shopping cart - how do you like your toilet paper stuffing, with mustard or vinegar?"
(If you are in a hurry ask me first, chances are then i'll actually let you jump the queue before me)
- People who do spray paints over beautiful buildings/professional street art
- Painfully slow walkers
- People who will not admit their own mistakes and instead chooses to "escape" the situation by blaming others for his/her blunders (even when given another chance to make things right)
Now tell me folx, what get's on your nerves?
Last edited by ChromaticRaven on 17 Jun 2013, 12:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.