GregCav wrote:
I'm guessing here, but I'm thinking that guys are more forward in asking girls out.
Perhaps you don't look lez. Perhaps the girls who are, are shyer than you would hope (or commited).
As a guy, I'm attracted to any girl who looks pretty.
Nah, I go out with girls on dating websites, get on really well with them, then they tell me there's no spark.
It's not because of how I look because I have recent pictures on there so they know what I look like before we agree to meet up.
I'm thinking it's either because I'm bi or because I'm an aspie. Women are probably more sensitive to social cues and s**t, so being an aspie could explain it.
I mean, the men who like me tend to like me because I'm not like other girls they've met before. Maybe women are weirded out more easily.
I'm really not that fussy; I will sleep with anyone I get on well with, provided they're up for it and I don't think it will make things weird and heavy. I think more like a man, I guess. Women are fussier.
Zombies, zombies will tear us apart...again.