You misread my post wrong. The post was split into two halves.
As NeantHumain said, Asperger's have deficiencies in nonverbal (right) hemisphere rather than the verbal (left) hemisphere of the brain.
I added this because this is the underlying difference between HFA/LFA and AS and to indicate that I agree with NeantHumains factual statement. This will, of course, manifest in different ways between different people.
Some will be more deficient in the left hemisphere than others and vice versa. I did not mean for it to be associated with the paragraph on self-help, which is why I separated them into different paragraphs. From my understanding of the DSM-IV, psychologists take into account delayed self-help skills when making a diagnosis. I do not know if this is also a manifestation of deficiencies in the brain.
Other than what I have just addressed, I do not know what your post is asking. Perhaps you could clarify?