johnny77 wrote:
I have a heavy copper plate under my soldering bench for a static ground. It is connected to a 10 foot long rod drove in to the ground. I do feel better in my legs when my bear foot is on it but i all ways figured it was because the plate was cold. I'll set up to try grounding at night when i sleep ill give feed back on it if it helps or not.
The sleeping drug is still working even now with huge stress at work and another major loss in my life. 5 hour seem just right for me it is so nice.
Nice that the new medication is helpful. Hopfully the copper grounding plate will be of additional help.
I spent a good portion last night hopping around on a concrete floor. When I came home I went to bed with my feet and knees sore. I slept grounded, and slept well but woke up with my legs still feeling beat up. During breakfast I placed my bare feet onto the grounding mat I have for 30 minutes or so, they became tingly toward the end, and as usually happens anymore the leg pain all but vanished.