I played by myself, or with the boy who lived next door. I rarely played with girls. I will never forget the day that, in a fit of frustration, my Mother called me inside from my tree fort, put me into the bathtub to wash off the grime, and dressed me in white shorts and a pink izod shirt. She drove me up the street to the house of two girls, Ellen and Kathleen. Told me I was going to play with them for a while. It was like walking into an alien world, these girls bedrooms and the stuff they played. I was bored out of my mind and couldn't wait to leave. I've never forgotten that day! To this day, I still get along better with men. Not that I don't want female friends, but I just haven't met any women that I "get". Most of them are these strange creatures who never shut up and seem to be interested in really frivolous things. I try to talk to them, but it's surreal.