lunarastro wrote:
Again- I dont think the workers will suffer any economic hardships because I dont think the boycott will make much of a dent in Barrillas profits. As far as boycotting LGBT made product and the Jeffry Dahmer thing- hey if that is how you as a person feel you want to spend (or not spend) your money- I dont really care. You have every right to spend your money with whatever companies you like for whatever reason you like. I may not agree with your decision, but I cant stop you from doing it. The only power as a consumer that I have is where I spent my money. I choose not to spend it on Barilla products. Plain and simple. Oh, and thelibrarian wrote[/u]: Decency and the left are irreconcilable. I find this to be and abrasive and ugly statement. So I am not a decent person because I would rather not spend my money with a company whose policies I dont agree with? Really? So my volunteer work with the local elementary school, the local animal shelter and the Girls Scouts dosent count for anything? My regular contributions to various charities , my work with the local food pantry and visit to the nursing home with my dog dosent make me a decent person? My love and commitment to my wife and daughter to make sure that are well cared for and happy is overlooked because I'm "leftist"? Wow! You have some tough standards to live up to.
If this boycott works, by definition it will cost innocent workers their livelihoods. So, if it doesn't work, why would you want to do it? If my statement is "ugly and abrasive", it's because the truth frequently is.
As far as the other activities you mention, I say good for you. I should also say that these activities were not why I made my "ugly and abrasive" statement.
Again, counting fascism, the left slaughtered 120 MILLION people in just the 20C. Being a leftist is nothing to be proud of.