I'm new to WP but I felt I needed to pipe in here. My DS has a disorder called dysgraphia. It's the inability to write or in therapeutic terms, Disorder of Written Expression. If given hours, he can write where you can read it, but lets face it, that sentence on the board won't be there all day long. When he has attempted to keep up writing, he would get one word as opposed to the rest of the class doing a paragraph. This ended in frustration and failure. Don't wait. Do as others have posted here, either have the school accomodate with an Alphasmart or a laptop. My son also has teachers supply copies of notes. It's in his IEP.
However, stay on top of your school. I found out recently that the high school hadn't been accomodating my son (he didn't tell me, couldn't tell me, wouldn't tell me, don't know which) only by accident when his folder dropped and I noted that they gave him the State Test in Writing. DUH! Hopefully, none of you will be faced with a deceptive district. Talk about political red tape!
My son's psych states that this disorder is common in Apsie's.