Asperger96 wrote:
I found that detailed books help you the most. Many people can read body language subconciously, we can do it. We just have to do it conciously.
Some people pick it up better than others because their focus is on fitting in, which is not a bad focus at all. It's like fitting into a comfortable and interesting glove, as the complexity of such communication can be amazing. Most people nt or otherwise never learn it to the degree I have. It depends on whom you are around, what culture, and how much you are interested in studying other people. Most nt's in the world do not have that much of a grasp of complex communications either. If you are self-preoccupied, overly self-conscious, self centered or whatever, you are less likely to focus on other people. I learned a lot from African Americans. Originally people from that culture needed to learn how to communicate in this way because it helped them survive. I always admired that culture, what they went through, how well they endured, and it became a special interest of mine to study and learn the way they used body language. Also it really helped to be an amateur jazz salsa musician and spend thousands of hours jamming with other musicians, and also it helped to be in a job where I get to watch hundreds of people every day, and also to live in a very sophisticated urban culture, and I watched a lot of talk t,v.