I'm just about to learn the fingering for variation 8 of "N. Paganini: Caprice No. 24". I've made it through the main theme through variation 7 without slips... I'm starting to feel sad that there aren't many more variations left to work on before the finale. I'm very eager to get to variation 9, because the technique used is one I'm fairly un-practiced in, and I want to get more than familiar with it
. At least once I learn it all, I get to spend lots of time perfecting the piece and giving it more of my own feeling... and then there are 23 more caprices
I'm also still working on fretboard memorization with the scales, though, I know the location of all of the notes fairly well at this point... I'd still like to know every note without taking any time to compute. After I get there, I want to start working on knowing all the keys from every position on the neck.
I'm also working on my right hand finger style technique with a book called Mauro Giuliani's 120 Studies For Right Hand Development. I'm glad I took the time to learn to read music, and the fretboard, as the book is written in standard notation for classical tuning, and I play electric in standard tuning.
I'm also working on memorizing an avalanche of movable chord forms... mostly multiple variants of Major7th, minor7th, minor11th, 9th, 13th, Diminished, and augmented chords. I need to be able to use them on the fly as I want to start learning improvisational Jazz on top of my general Classical interests. Why does saying that make me feel old inside? >_>
As far as learning "Estudio sin luz", I stopped learning that about a minute in once I found that the free resource I was using was inaccurate despite being decent. I need to get a Segovia music book, before I continue, so I don't keep learning it wrong :/