Shabba wrote:
not alot of people know because i seem so normal, but i kind of always know what to say and do but its more like a play than real life if that makes sense..
Life is a big theater for me. Stepping out into the world for me is a live stage performance. I am always worrying about blowing my lines. and knowing very will that a blown line could result in the loss of a friend or a business deal.
Shabba wrote:
i tell her its my aspergers and she says i use it as an excuse and i am lying cause i didnt have all these problems before.
NT just can't relate to how AS affect us. To them, they can't tell the difference between AS and most common bad behavior.
Shabba wrote:
cause i didnt have all these problems before.
There is a reason in show business why they say "you save the best for last" and why "Sprinters don't run marathons.". You leave the starting line at full throttle and you will burn yourself out long before you can finish the race. The moral of what I am trying to say is. Be careful when you put on a your first impression. although first impressions are important and should be there best. Be careful not to raise the bar too high. especially if you are expected to jump over it repeatedly.
Shabba wrote:
and i always felt safe with my wife and kids but i feel very alone in this world like never before and i seem to question myself, like do i really feel or do i just think i do... i get confused in my own thoughts and just feel like i am losing my mind...
Your wife and kids are NT. you are an aspie. there going to be that disconnect.