Revenant wrote:
Yep, that's a great advice for destroying yourself.
Just because you lost control of YOUR self doesn't mean others will. But, I guess its better, if kids do drugs, they get advice from a drug addict from the street, right? I tell ALL sides of a story, you tell one and use a "fear" tactic as your defense with your personal life as "proof."
Perhaps bad, paranoid experiences is rather the bodys reaction to a harmfull chemical?
Sympathetic nervous fires are the bodys way of telling you to stop doing something because its dangerous.
Perhaps its from the fact its illegal and many people fear being "caught." If that "fear" was removed, then what paranoia remains? Everyone I know who has smoked pot, myself included, as had this feeling before. Again, we only can use a what if scenario because we'll never know.
Yep, smoke some more to ensure that you destroy your liver, kidney and brain function as well as disabling your hypothalamus-tersticular(or ovarian if you're female) pituitary axis.
Kids, this is the part where Revenant posts hospital statistics of those who smoked pot and are now suffering for it. OH wait, there arent any real publications for that because its not that big of an issue. BTW, your info was from a guy selling something (cough, biased, cough). Lets take a peak into the troubles obesity has and focus on a REAL issue
Then you can sit back for the rest of your life enjoying all your dopamine being converted to epinephrine which is the result of a permanent change in protein synthesis(people don't like the synonymous term "gene expression").
This is where you list how healthy YOU are by listing the things you eat, exercise routines, sleep patterns. If you're going to preach health class then I expect you do be a model citizen.
I think Corvus idea is great. Smoke lots of pot. We need more destroyed people. Then I wouldn't feel so lonely when you join me cursing marijuana when your life too, is destroyed.
Revenant is now blaming "marijuana" for his "choices" he made. Instead of blaming himself, responsibility, or accountability, he chose "marijuana" for everything bad. Perhaps you and Ken can get together and go bowling and blame things.
Or we can just sit back and laugh at the ignorant fools destroying themselves and say "I can't wait to hear them cry when theyre gone".
So, its been around for thousands of years . . hmm.. when are they going to start crying?
Marijuana = not the healthiest thing but not this bad
Kids, make your choice and be responsible with it.