i have cut myself on and off for a few years. scary stuff. for the first time i had to go to the hospital for it a couple weeks ago and get stitches in my arm. i never ever would want to hurt someone else, i just feel so much hate toward the way that i am sometimes that i feel like i deserve to be hurt. it's weird, too. exercise is supposed to relieve stress, but that is only after it has seized, i think. (your heart rate returns to normal and you are in a state of recovery, so to speak) while the natural opiates are flooding your system, you can relax on the couch or other comfortable space
example: i have restarted my habit of running, and i was on the treadmill two days ago and started screaming while i was running because i wasn't fast/strong enough. i fell down and hurt my knee (the display numbers like calories burned, distance, pace, and time really get to me....) so it's almost as if i feel like my amygdala is more active when i am running? the littlest things are setting me off lately and i don't like it.
i do suggest punching pillows---feels great! going to a place where you can scream and not get in trouble also is good.